

Infobox CityIT
official_name = Comune di Regalbuto
img_coa = Stemmaregalbuto.jpg
img_coa_small =

image_caption =
region = RegioneIT|sigla=SIC
province = ProvinciaIT (short form)|sigla=EN (EN)
mayor =
mayor_party =
elevation_footnotes =
elevation_m = 520
area_footnotes =
area_total_km2 = 169
population_footnotes =
population_as_of = 05-2007 (ISTAT)
population_total = 7636
pop_density_footnotes =
population_density_km2 = 46
coordinates = coord|37|39|0|N|14|38|0|E|region:IT_type:city(7636)
gentilic = Regalbutesi
telephone = 0935
postalcode = 94017
frazioni =
saint = Saint Vitus the martyr
day = 11 August
mapx = #expr:37 + 39 / 60.0
mapy = #expr:14 + 38 / 60.0
locator_position =
native_name = Regalbuto
name = Regalbuto
website =

Regalbuto ( _sc. Recalbutu) is a "comune" in the province of Enna, in region of Sicily in southern Italy.

There is an annual Cattle Fair held in the month of August.


Regalbuto may very well be the ancient town of Amaselos, which was named by the Greek/Sicilian historian Diodorus Siculus in his Bibliotheca historica (Historical Library) writings.

The name Regalbuto derives from the Arab term Rahal Abbud, which means "Abbud's farmhouse", because the Arabs founded it. Discoveries at the site include the old Saracen quarter.

Circa 1200, the inhabitants of the nearby town of Centirupe, who rebelled against the Swabian dynasty whom Regalbuto had been faithful to, destroyed Regalbuto. Years later, King Manfred had the town rebuilt in its present site.

In the year 1860, a number of members of parliament met in Regalbuto with Garibaldi to discuss a truce.

The town was never subject to fiscal taxes, and a free magistracy elected by the king and the archbishops of Messina governed it. The town was severely damaged during the Second World War, and on August 3, 1943 it was liberated by the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the 1st Canadian Army Division. The current inhabited center was reconstructed only recently.

Architecturally, and most interesting monuments are the Chiesa Madre (Mother Church) dedicated to San Basilio, which was built on the site of XVI century building and preserving a luxurious 10 meter altar dedicated to San Vito, this church has a baroque façade with a pyramid shaped bell tower. The XV century Church of Santa Maria della Croce with its splendid baroque staircase, and the XVIII century Church of San Giovanni, that has a big bell loggia. Noteworthy are also the Palazzo Municipale (Town Hall building) of the XVIII century, and the remains of the XIII century castle.

Regalbuto also accommodates numerous aristocratic buildings such as the XVII century Palazzo Citelli-Fascaro, Palazzo Falcone, the Liberty-style Palazzo Campagnini, the Palazzo Municipale and Palazzo Carchiolo, all situated in the old Christian Quarter.

In the city environs are sites of naturalistic interest like the Pozzillo Lake district, one of the largest man-made lakes in all Europe, fed by the Salso river waters, that offers a range of opportunities, from trout fishing to sporting activities. Finally, is the Monte Mascari, 863m tall, north of the lake, and, still in the lake vicinity, the Salici Mount rising to 1,442 meters.

Among Regalbuto's renowned names, there was Giovanni Filippo Ingrassias (1510-1580), physician and a major figure in the history of the science of human anatomy. also, Salvatore Citelli (1875-1947) a very famous and noteworthy odontologist.

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