

In the fiction of Henry Darger, Glandelinia is a fictional nation that is the sworn enemy of the Christian Abbiennians.

Glandelinia is supposedly ruled by King Ganon Procile but the real power laid with General John Manley and his two sons Johnston and Heubam, who lead the massive Glandelinian army. Other "famous" Glandelinians include the terrible Raymond Richardson Federal, the murderer of child-slave-rebellion leader Annie Aronburg, supremely evil Glandelinian general Henry Darger, not-so-evil captain Henry Darger, spies Mr. Mutt and Mr. Jeff, based upon but not to be confused with the two characters of the comic strip of the same name, and Glandelinian general and conspirator Phellias Tamerlane.

History of Glandelinia

Glandelinia used to be part of the Abbienian Confederation, along with other nations Abbienia, Angelinia and Calverhine. However, sometime in the 19th century AD they separated due to the issue of child slavery, the principal source of labour and entertainment for the Glandelinians but morally opposed by many others. However, the nations of Abbysinkile, Gargoylia, Mcholsteria, Scoodleria, and Zimmermania decided to back the Glandelinians in their use of child slavery and atheism. In approximately 1914 AD, a child slave rebellion erupted but was soon crushed after the murder of its leader Annie Aronburg. The brutal treatment of the children caused the Christian nation of Abbienia and other Christian nations to declare war upon Glandelinia. The conflict was to last for five years, and nearly five billion people perished due to the war. After the war, the nation was utterly and cataclysmically smothered by the hand of God: the Blengilomenean serpents. Not a single Glandelinian survived.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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