Ambush marketing

Ambush marketing

Ambush marketing is a marketing campaign that takes place around an event but does not involve payment of a sponsorship fee to the event. [ [ Ambush marketing laws planned for rugby, cricket World Cups - Sports - International Herald Tribune ] ] For most events of any significance, one brand will pay to become the exclusive and official sponsor of the event in a particular category or categories, and this exclusivity creates a problem for one or more other brands. Those other brands then find ways to promote themselves in connection with the same event, without paying the sponsorship fee and without breaking any laws.

Notable events

* 1984 Olympics; Kodak sponsors TV broadcasts of the Games as well as the US track team despite Fujifilm being the official sponsor.
* 1988 Summer Olympics; Fujifilm sponsors the Gamesclarify-inline despite Kodak being the official sponsor.
* 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona; Nike sponsors press conferences with the US basketball team despite Reebok being the official sponsor. During ceremonies, the players covered their Reebok logos.
* 1994 Winter Olympics; American Express sponsors the Gamesclarify-inline despite Visa being the official sponsor.
* 1996 Atlanta Olympics; sprinter Linford Christie wore contact lenses embossed with the Puma logo at the press conference preceding the 100 metres final, despite Reebok being the official sponsor.
* 1996 Atlanta Olympics; Messages On Hold strategically infiltrates a banner within the camera frame as US runner Jon Drummond prepares for the opening leg of 4x100 relay final. The moment is broadcast live across the world.
* 1996 Cricket World Cup; Pepsi ran a series of advertisements titled "nothing official about it" targeting the official sponsor Coca Cola.
* 1998 World Cup; Nike sponsored a number of teams competing in the Cup despite Adidas being the official sponsor.
* 2000 Sydney Olympics; Qantas Airlines’ slogan "The Spirit of Australia" sounds strikingly similar to the Games’ slogan "Share the Spirit." despite Ansett Air being the official sponsor.
* 2002 Boston Marathon; as Adidas-sponsored runners come off the course Nike are treatedclarify-inline to spray-painted messages honoring the day of the race, but not the race itself.
* 2003 Cricket World Cup; Indian players threatened to strike over concerns that the anti-ambush marketing rules were too strict. Of particular concern was the length of time before and after the cup that players were not allowed to endorse a rival to one of the official sponsors. Players argued that if they had pre-existing contracts that they would be in breach of them if they were to accept the ICC's rules.
* 2006 FIFA World Cup; fans of the Netherlands were made to remove Bavaria Brewery's leeuwenhosen because Budweiser was the official beer sponsor.
* 2008 Beijing Olympics; entire countries were tuned into the Opening Ceremonies, and worldwide, millions more saw Li Ning light the torch and learned that he owns a shoe company with the same name, a direct rival of Adidas and quite famous in China, but not an official Olympic sponsor. [ [ The Greatest Free Ad Ever] ]

Future of ambush marketing

For the 2011 Rugby World Cup and the 2015 Cricket World Cup, New Zealand is planning to enact laws to combat ambush marketing, according to former Sports Minister Trevor Mallard. []

The London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act 2006 contains provisions to attempt to restrict ambush advertising at the 2012 Summer Olympics.


*Skildum-Reid, Kim. "The Ambush Marketing Toolkit", McGraw-Hill, September 2007. ISBN 0070138087.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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