

Balado is a park and former airfield within the Perth and Kinross council area of Scotland. It is now the venue of the annual T in the Park music festival.

Poultry sheds of Balado Poultry Farm now occupy the old concrete runways of the airfield. On the southern perimeter of the site is the Balado Bridge NATO Satellite Ground Station, which closed in 2006.

There are around 4,000-5,000 people living nearby in Kinross and Milnathort.

External links

* [ Kinross Community Council]
* [ Balado on ScotGaz] The gazeteer for Scotland
* [ Balado on BBC Scotland Website] An article about the closure of the satellite ground station.
* [ Aerial photo of Balado Poultry Farm] A view of the site from the Picture Research Solutions website.
* [ Balado on Windows Live Local] Requires Windows Internet Explorer software; may or may not work in other browsers.
* [ Balado on Placeopedia] See nearby places with Wikipedia articles

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