Pilar Gonzalo

Pilar Gonzalo

Pilar Gonzalo (Spain, 1971) is art critic, independent curator, and author of the book "Zombies, castrados, mantis y deformes. Notas para una exploración de la postfotografía," a work about digital photography in contemporary art that was honored with the [http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-lat-0310/msg00056.html National Award of Critic and Theory of Art of the AMUCA] , Spain.

Gonzalo graduated at [http://www.usal.es Salamanca University] (Salamanca, Spain) and received her Ph.D. in [http://www.ucm.es Complutense University] (Madrid, Spain) with the dissertation, "Photography, Art, and Electronic Procedures at the Turn of Millennium: Definition, Critic Analysis, and Cataloguing Proposal of Ten Years of Post-Photography in Art (1997-2004.)"

Pilar Gonzalo has worked during three years as art critic for the Spanish art magazine " [http://www.arteyparte.com Arte y Parte] ," and she has also collaborated in numerous art magazines and publications. Gonzalo currently writes for " [http://www.ivorypress.com C International Photo Magazine] ," (London, UK) and is the Executive Director of [http://lamusediffuse.com lamusediffuse] , a collaborative team exploring the forms, impact, and possibilities of electronic technologies in contemporary culture which started as a group of Fulbright Scholars from different parts of the World sharing a common interest in improving lives for individuals by improving access to culture through digital technologies and their creations.

After being professor of “Aesthetics of Modernity” and “Theory of Contemporary Art” at [http://www.umh.es Miguel Hernández University] (Alicante, Spain,) she was awarded with a Fulbright Grant of the Development of Arts and Cultural Management Program ( [https://www.fulbright.es Fulbright Commission of Spain] and [http://www.mcu.es Ministry of Culture] .) Pilar Gonzalo obtained a master in the [http://artsci.shu.edu/artmusic/museum/index.htm Museum Professions Program] (Management track) at the Arts and Sciences School of [http://www.shu.edu Seton Hall University] (NJ, USA.) with also graduate courses at the [http://www.tc.columbia.edu/academic/arad/index.asp?Id=Home Arts Administration M.A. of Columbia University Teachers College] (NY, USA) and [http://www.saic.edu the School of The Art Institute of Chicago] (IL, USA.) She is currently the Head of Culture and Institutions Department of [http://www.artempus.com Artempus] .

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