List of Deinopidae species

List of Deinopidae species

This page lists all described species of the spider family Deinopidae as of Dec. 18, 2005.


"Avella" O. P.-Cambridge, 1877
* "Avella angulata" L. Koch, 1878Queensland
* "Avella despiciens" O. P.-Cambridge, 1877Queensland, New South Wales
* "Avella insularis" (Rainbow, 1920)Lord Howe Islands
* "Avella neocaledonica" Simon, 1888New Caledonia
* "Avella superciliosa" Thorell, 1881Queensland
* "Avella trinodosa" (Rainbow, 1920)Lord Howe Islands
* "Avella unifasciata" L. Koch, 1878New South Wales


"Avellopsis" Purcell, 1904
* "Avellopsis capensis" Purcell, 1904South Africa


"Deinopis" MacLeay, 1839
* "Deinopis amica" Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1957Argentina
* "Deinopis anchietae" Brito Capello, 1867West Africa, Angola
* "Deinopis armaticeps" Mello-Leitão, 1925Brazil
* "Deinopis aruensis" Roewer, 1938Aru Islands
* "Deinopis aspectans" Pocock, 1899Cameroon, Congo
* "Deinopis aurita" F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1902Mexico
* "Deinopis biaculeata" Simon, 1906Brazil
* "Deinopis bituberculata" Franganillo, 1930Cuba
* "Deinopis bucculenta" Schenkel, 1953Venezuela
* "Deinopis camela" Thorell, 1881New Guinea
* "Deinopis celebensis" Merian, 1911Sulawesi
* "Deinopis cornigera" Gerstäcker, 1873East Africa
* "Deinopis cylindracea" C. L. Koch, 1846Colombia
* "Deinopis cylindrica" Pocock, 1898South Africa
* "Deinopis diabolica" Kraus, 1956El Salvador
* "Deinopis fasciata" L. Koch, 1879Queensland
* "Deinopis fasciculigera" Simon, 1909Vietnam
* "Deinopis fastigata" Simon, 1906Brazil
* "Deinopis giltayi" Lessert, 1930Congo
* "Deinopis goalparaensis" Tikader & Malhotra, 1978India
* "Deinopis granadensis" Keyserling, 1879Colombia
* "Deinopis guasca" Mello-Leitão, 1943Brazil
* "Deinopis guianensis" Taczanowski, 1874French Guiana
* "Deinopis guineensis" Berland & Millot, 1940Guinea
* "Deinopis kollari" Doleschall, 1859Myanmar, Malaysia
* "Deinopis lamia" MacLeay, 1839Cuba, Puerto Rico
* "Deinopis liukuensis" Yin, Griswold & Yan, 2002China
* "Deinopis longipalpula" Strand, 1913Central Africa
* "Deinopis longipes" F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1902Mexico to Panama
* "Deinopis madagascariensis" Lenz, 1886Madagascar
* "Deinopis mediocris" Kulczynski, 1908New Guinea
* "Deinopis ornata" Pocock, 1902Ethiopia
* "Deinopis pallida" Mello-Leitão, 1939Brazil
* "Deinopis pardalis" Simon, 1906Brazil
* "Deinopis plurituberculata" Mello-Leitão, 1925Brazil
* "Deinopis ravida" L. Koch, 1879Queensland
* "Deinopis reticulata" (Rainbow, 1899)New Guinea
* "Deinopis rodophthalma" Mello-Leitão, 1939Brazil
* "Deinopis schomburgki" Karsch, 1878South Australia
* "Deinopis schoutedeni" Giltay, 1929Congo
* "Deinopis seriata" Simon, 1906Brazil
* "Deinopis spinosa" Marx, 1889USA, St. Vincent, Venezuela
* "Deinopis subrufa" L. Koch, 1879Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania
* "Deinopis tabida" L. Koch, 1879Queensland
* "Deinopis tuboculata" Franganillo, 1926Cuba
* "Deinopis unicolor" L. Koch, 1879Western Australia


"Menneus" Simon, 1876
* "Menneus affinis" Tullgren, 1910East Africa
* "Menneus camelus" Pocock, 1902South Africa
* "Menneus tetragnathoides" Simon, 1876Congo


* (2008): [ The world spider catalog] , version 8.5. "American Museum of Natural History".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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