Barry Luokkala

Barry Luokkala

Barry Luokkala is Director of Undergraduate Physics Laboratories in the Department of Physics at Carnegie-Mellon University and Program Director for the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences. Luokkala was the recipient of the MCS Teaching Award. []

PGSS directorship

The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences(PGSS) is an academic summer program for gifted high school students from Pennsylvania. Dr. Luokkala has been the director of PGSS since 2001. Prior to that, he ran both the Physics lab course and team projects for many years.

External links

* [ Official biography]

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  • Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences — The Pennsylvania Governor s School for the Sciences (PGSS) is one of the Pennsylvania Governor s Schools of Excellence, a group of five week summer programs for gifted high school students in the state of Pennsylvania. Carnegie Mellon University… …   Wikipedia

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