List of Nesticidae species

List of Nesticidae species

This page lists all described species of the spider family Nesticidae as of Apr. 18, 2008.


"Aituaria" Esyunin & Efimik, 1998
* "Aituaria nataliae" Esyunin & Efimik, 1998 — Russia
* "Aituaria pontica" (Spassky, 1932) — Russia, Georgia


"Canarionesticus" Wunderlich, 1992
* "Canarionesticus quadridentatus" Wunderlich, 1992 — Canary Islands


"Carpathonesticus" Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980
* "Carpathonesticus avrigensis" Weiss & Heimer, 1982 — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus biroi" (Kulczynski, 1895) — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus birsteini" (Charitonov, 1947) — Russia, Georgia
* "Carpathonesticus borutzkyi" (Reimoser, 1930) — Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine
* "Carpathonesticus caucasicus" (Charitonov, 1947) — Georgia
* "Carpathonesticus cibiniensis" (Weiss, 1981) — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus eriashvilii" Marusik, 1987 — Georgia
* "Carpathonesticus fodinarum" (Kulczynski, 1894) — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus galotshkai" Evtushenko, 1993 — Ukraine
* "Carpathonesticus hungaricus" (Chyzer, 1894) — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus ljovuschkini" (Pichka, 1965) — Russia
* "Carpathonesticus lotriensis" Weiss, 1983 — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus mamajevae" Marusik, 1987 — Georgia
* "Carpathonesticus menozzii" (Caporiacco, 1934) — Italy
* "Carpathonesticus paraavrigensis" Weiss & Heimer, 1982 — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus parvus" (Kulczynski, 1914) — Bosnia-Hercegovina
* "Carpathonesticus puteorum" (Kulczynski, 1894) — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus racovitzai" (Dumitrescu, 1980) — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus simoni" (Fage, 1931) — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus spelaeus" (Szombathy, 1917) — Romania
* "Carpathonesticus zaitzevi" (Charitonov, 1939) — Georgia


"Cyclocarcina" Komatsu, 1942
* "Cyclocarcina floronoides" Komatsu, 1942 — Japan
** "Cyclocarcina floronoides komatsui" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
** "Cyclocarcina floronoides notoi" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
** "Cyclocarcina floronoides tatoro" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Cyclocarcina linyphoides" (Komatsu, 1960) — Japan


"Eidmannella" Roewer, 1935
* "Eidmannella bullata" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Eidmannella delicata" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Eidmannella nasuta" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Eidmannella pachona" Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico
* "Eidmannella pallida" (Emerton, 1875) — Cosmopolitan
* "Eidmannella reclusa" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Eidmannella rostrata" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Eidmannella tuckeri" Cokendolpher & Reddell, 2001 — USA


"Gaucelmus" Keyserling, 1884
* "Gaucelmus augustinus" Keyserling, 1884 — North, Central America, West Indies
* "Gaucelmus calidus" Gertsch, 1971 — Mexico, Guatemala
* "Gaucelmus cavernicola" (Petrunkevitch, 1910) — Jamaica
* "Gaucelmus pygmaeus" Gertsch, 1984 — Panama
* "Gaucelmus strinatii" Brignoli, 1979 — Guatemala
* "Gaucelmus tropicus" Gertsch, 1984 — Panama


"Nesticella" Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980
* "Nesticella aelleni" (Brignoli, 1972) — Sri Lanka
* "Nesticella africana" (Hubert, 1970) — Congo
* "Nesticella benoiti" (Hubert, 1970) — Zimbabwe
* "Nesticella brevipes" (Yaginuma, 1970) — Russia, China, Korea, Japan
* "Nesticella buicongchieni" (Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980) — Vietnam
* "Nesticella chillagoensis" Wunderlich, 1995 — Queensland
* "Nesticella connectens" Wunderlich, 1995 — Malaysia
* "Nesticella ducke" Rodrigues & Buckup, 2007 — Brazil
* "Nesticella helenensis" (Hubert, 1977) — St. Helena
* "Nesticella inthanoni" (Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980) — Thailand
* "Nesticella kerzhneri" (Marusik, 1987) — Russia
* "Nesticella machadoi" (Hubert, 1971) — Angola
* "Nesticella marapu" Benjamin, 2004 — Indonesia
* "Nesticella mogera" (Yaginuma, 1972) — Azerbaijan, China, Korea, Japan, Hawaii, Fiji
* "Nesticella murici" Rodrigues & Buckup, 2007 — Brazil
* "Nesticella nepalensis" (Hubert, 1973) — Nepal
* "Nesticella odonta" (Chen, 1984) — China
* "Nesticella okinawaensis" (Yaginuma, 1979) — Japan
* "Nesticella proszynskii" (Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980) — Java
* "Nesticella quelpartensis" (Paik & Namkung, 1969) — Korea
* "Nesticella renata" (Bourne, 1980) — New Ireland
* "Nesticella robinsoni" Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980 — New Guinea
* "Nesticella sechellana" (Simon, 1898) — Seychelles
* "Nesticella sogi" Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980 — New Guinea
* "Nesticella songi" Chen & Zhu, 2004 — China
* "Nesticella taiwan" Tso & Yoshida, 2000 — Taiwan
* "Nesticella taurama" Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980 — New Guinea
* "Nesticella utuensis" (Bourne, 1980) — New Ireland
* "Nesticella yui" Wunderlich & Song, 1995 — China


"Nesticus" Thorell, 1869
* "Nesticus abukumanus" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus afghanus" Roewer, 1962 — Afghanistan
* "Nesticus akamai" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus akiensis" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus akiyoshiensis" (Uyemura, 1941) — Japan
** "Nesticus akiyoshiensis ofuku" Yaginuma, 1977 — Japan
* "Nesticus ambiguus" Denis, 1950 — Tanzania
* "Nesticus anagamianus" Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan
* "Nesticus antillanus" Bryant, 1940 — Cuba
* "Nesticus archeri" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus arenstorffi" Kulczynski, 1914 — Bosnia-Hercegovina
* "Nesticus arganoi" Brignoli, 1972 — Mexico
* "Nesticus asuwanus" Nishikawa, 1986 — Japan
* "Nesticus balacescui" Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania
* "Nesticus barri" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus barrowsi" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus beroni" Deltshev, 1977 — Bulgaria
* "Nesticus beshkovi" Deltshev, 1979 — Crete
* "Nesticus bishopi" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus brasiliensis" Brignoli, 1979 — Brazil
* "Nesticus breviscapus" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus brignolii" Ott & Lise, 2002 — Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina
* "Nesticus brimleyi" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus bungonus" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus calilegua" Ott & Lise, 2002 — Brazil, Argentina
* "Nesticus campus" Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico
* "Nesticus carolinensis" (Bishop, 1950) — USA
* "Nesticus carpaticus" Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania
* "Nesticus carteri" Emerton, 1875 — USA
* "Nesticus caverna" Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico
* "Nesticus cellulanus" (Clerck, 1757) — Holarctic
** "Nesticus cellulanus affinis" Kulczynski, 1894 — Hungary
* "Nesticus cernensis" Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania
* "Nesticus chikunii" Yaginuma, 1980 — Japan
* "Nesticus citrinus" (Taczanowski, 1874) — Guyana
* "Nesticus concolor" Roewer, 1962 — Afghanistan
* "Nesticus constantinescui" Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania
* "Nesticus cooperi" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus coreanus" Paik & Namkung, 1969 — Korea
* "Nesticus crosbyi" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus delfini" (Simon, 1904) — Chile
* "Nesticus diaconui" Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania
* "Nesticus dilutus" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus echigonus" Yaginuma, 1986 — Japan
* "Nesticus eremita" Simon, 1879 — Europe
* "Nesticus fagei" Kratochvíl, 1933 — Italy, Montenegro
* "Nesticus flavidus" Paik, 1978 — Korea
* "Nesticus furenensis" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus furtivus" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus georgia" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus gertschi" Coyle & McGarity, 1992 — USA
* "Nesticus gondai" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus gujoensis" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus henderickxi" Bosselaers, 1998 — Crete
* "Nesticus higoensis" Yaginuma, 1977 — Japan
* "Nesticus hoffmanni" Gertsch, 1971 — Mexico
* "Nesticus holsingeri" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus idriacus" Roewer, 1931 — Austria, Italy
* "Nesticus inconcinnus" Simon, 1907 — São Tomé
* "Nesticus ionescui" Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania
* "Nesticus iriei" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus iwatensis" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus jamesoni" Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico
* "Nesticus jonesi" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus kaiensis" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus karyuensis" Yaginuma, 1980 — Japan
* "Nesticus kataokai" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus kunisakiensis" Irie, 1999 — Japan
* "Nesticus kuriko" Yaginuma, 1972 — Japan
* "Nesticus kyongkeomsanensis" Namkung, 2002 — Korea
* "Nesticus latiscapus" Yaginuma, 1972 — Japan
** "Nesticus latiscapus kosodensis" Yaginuma, 1972 — Japan
* "Nesticus libo" Chen & Zhu, 2005 — China
* "Nesticus lindbergi" Roewer, 1962 — Afghanistan
* "Nesticus longiscapus" Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan
** "Nesticus longiscapus awa" Yaginuma, 1978 — Japan
** "Nesticus longiscapus draco" Yaginuma, 1978 — Japan
** "Nesticus longiscapus kiuchii" Yaginuma, 1978 — Japan
* "Nesticus luquei" Ribera & Guerao, 1995 — Spain
* "Nesticus lusitanicus" Fage, 1931 — Portugal
* "Nesticus maculatus" Bryant, 1948 — Hispaniola
* "Nesticus masudai" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus mikawanus" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus mimus" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus monticola" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus morisii" Brignoli, 1975 — Italy
* "Nesticus murgis" Ribera & De Mas, 2003 — Spain
* "Nesticus nahuanus" Gertsch, 1971 — Mexico
* "Nesticus nasicus" Coyle & McGarity, 1992 — USA
* "Nesticus nishikawai" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus noroensis" Mashibara, 1993 — Japan
* "Nesticus obcaecatus" Simon, 1907 — Spain
* "Nesticus orghidani" Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania
* "Nesticus paynei" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus pecki" Hedin & Dellinger, 2005 — USA
* "Nesticus plesai" Dumitrescu, 1980 — Romania
* "Nesticus potreiro" Ott & Lise, 2002 — Brazil
* "Nesticus potterius" (Chamberlin, 1933) — USA
* "Nesticus rainesi" Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico
* "Nesticus rakanus" Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan
* "Nesticus ramirezi" Ott & Lise, 2002 — Argentina
* "Nesticus reclusus" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus reddelli" Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico
* "Nesticus sbordonii" Brignoli, 1979 — Italy
* "Nesticus secretus" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus sedatus" Gertsch, 1984 — Mexico
* "Nesticus sheari" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus shinkaii" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus shureiensis" Yaginuma, 1980 — Japan
* "Nesticus silvanus" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus silvestrii" Fage, 1929 — USA
* "Nesticus sodanus" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus sonei" Yaginuma, 1981 — Japan
* "Nesticus speluncarum" Pavesi, 1873 — Southern Europe
* "Nesticus stupkai" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus stygius" Gertsch, 1984 — USA
* "Nesticus suzuka" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus taim" Ott & Lise, 2002 — Brazil
* "Nesticus takachiho" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus tarumii" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus tennesseensis" (Petrunkevitch, 1925) — USA
* "Nesticus tosa" Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan
** "Nesticus tosa iwaya" Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan
** "Nesticus tosa niyodo" Yaginuma, 1976 — Japan
* "Nesticus uenoi" Yaginuma, 1972 — Japan
* "Nesticus unicolor" Simon, 1895 — Venezuela
* "Nesticus vazquezae" Gertsch, 1971 — Mexico
* "Nesticus wiehlei" Dumitrescu, 1979 — Romania
* "Nesticus yaginumai" Irie, 1987 — Japan
* "Nesticus yamagatensis" Yoshida, 1989 — Japan
* "Nesticus yamato" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus yesoensis" Yaginuma, 1979 — Japan
* "Nesticus zenjoensis" Yaginuma, 1978 — Japan


"Typhlonesticus" Kulczynski, 1914
* "Typhlonesticus absoloni" (Kratochvíl, 1933) — Montenegro


* (2008): [ The world spider catalog] , version 9.0. "American Museum of Natural History".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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