Swordtail Breeding

Swordtail Breeding

The Swordtail, is a common live-bearing aquarium fish, that will breed readily in captivity. In the wild, the only form of this fish is the Green Swordtail, but it has been captively bred to form many different varieties such as the redvelvet, redwag, black, and mickey mouse swordtail. The mickey mouse is actually a platy but is also a livebearer.

Swordtails are among one of the best fish for beginner aquarists, and they have been known to breed right in a community tank. If this is the case, most fry (baby fish) will be eaten by other fish unless dense vegetation is present.


"The Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Problem Solver." Sandford, Gina.Tetra Press, 1998.

Links---- [http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/breeding/Lynch_Swordtail_Breeding_Program.html Lynch Swordtail Breeding Program]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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