

Xíriga is an occupation-related argot developed by the "tejeros" of Llanes and Ribadesella in Asturias. The "tejeros" were migrant workers in brick or clay, usually poor, who contracted themselves out for work sometimes in distant towns. Often mistreated by their overseers, the traveling craftsmen developed xíriga sometime around the 18th century as a defensive or private language in order to be able to talk freely in front of their employers/masters. Because it originated with poor working men who were largely illiterate, xíriga had no written form, and the language began to disappear with the decline of the "tejeros" although one can still hear it spoken occasionally by relatives or descendants.

The words created for or adopted into the language provide some insight into the social life, customs and beliefs of its original speakers -- for example, there are a large number of verbs that translate "to rob" and many of the words are crude, blunt, or intended as insults.


* [http://basque.unr.edu/09/9.3/9.3.51t/ Olaetxe, J. Mallea. "The Basques in the Mexican Regions: 16th - 20th Centuries." "Basque Studies Program Newsletter" No. 51 (1995).]
* [http://www.celtiberia.net/articulo.asp?id=2093 La xíriga, on celtiberia.net (in Spanish)]

External links

* [http://web.archive.org/web/20030518000834/http://www.llanesyconcejo.com/especiales/xiriga/diccio.htm Xíriga dictionary]
* Muñoz Valle, Emilio [http://tematico.asturias.es/cultura/ridea/ConsultaBoletines/PDFs/076-06.PDF "La xíriga".] "Boletín del Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos" No. 76 (1972).
* Muñoz Valle, Emilio [http://tematico.asturias.es/cultura/ridea/ConsultaBoletines/PDFs/099-07.PDF "La xíriga como lenguaje secreto en la Segunda Guerra Mundial".] "Boletín del Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos" No. 99 (1980).

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