

Infobox Album |
Name = Végétal
Type = studio
Artist = Émilie Simon

Released = April 27 2006
Genre = Pop, Trip hop, Electronica
Length =
Label = Barclay
Producer =
Reviews =
Last album ="La Marche de l'empereur"
This album = "Végétal"
Next album = "The Flower Book"
Misc = Extra album cover 2
Upper caption = Alternate covers
Type = studio

Cover size =
Lower caption = Japanese edition
Border =
Extra album cover 2
Upper caption =
Type = studio

Cover size =
Lower caption = Opendisc extras
Border =

"Végétal" is the second studio album by singer-songwriter Émilie Simon. Overall, it is her third album, the soundtrack to the French version of "March of the Penguins" included. The album has a floral theme running through it. All the lyrics relate to plants and there are also sounds taken from actual plants. The CD can be used in Émilie Simon's official website to access exclusive content such as bonus tracks, remixes, and a music video for "Fleur De Saison".

A special edition of the album was released in December 2006, featuring bonus tracks, remixes of "Fleur De Saison" and Opium, an exclusive short film on the making of the album and the video clip for "Fleur De Saison" on a bonus CD. So far, 5 editions of "Végétal" exists, each one different from each other through the inclusion of extras and bonuses.

Chart Performance

In 2006, "Végétal" sold a total of 77,376 copies in France. She ranked 84th overall in the year-end French sales chart and 34th in the year-end download chart with 2,306 full album downloads.

Track listing

#"Fleur De Saison"
#"Le Vieil Amant"
#"Sweet Blossom"
#"Dame De Lotus"
#"In The Lake"
#"Rose Hybride De Thé"
#"Never Fall In Love"
#"My Old Friend"
#"En Cendres"

Japanese bonus tracks

  1. "Papillon"
  2. "Ferraille"

Opendisc extras

*"Fleur De Saison" (JD and Jo remix)
*"Song Of The Storm" (Ben Effect's remix)
*"Fleur De Saison" (Neïmo remix)
*"Fleur De Saison" (music video)
*"Dame De Lotus" (music video)
*Exclusive photos by Liza Roze

uper jewel box bonus CD

#"Au Lever Du Soir"
#"Fleur De Saison" (Le Tigre remix)
#"Fleur De Saison" (Neïmo flavoured mix)
#"Opium" (Tom VDH remix)
#"Opium" (Clocks remix)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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