Women Against Pornography — (WAP) was a radical feminist activist group based out of New York City and an influential force in the anti pornography movement of the late 1970s and 1980s. WAP was the best known of a number of feminist anti pornography groups that were active… … Wikipedia
Women Against Pornography — WAP (engl. Frauen gegen Pornographie) war eine radikal feministische anti pornographische Aktivistinnengruppe, die 1978 in New York City, USA gegründet wurde. Diese Vereinigung war eine sehr einflussreiche Gruppierung in der Anti Pornographie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Women Against Violence in Pornography and Media — – WAVPM (engl., Frauen gegen Gewalt in Pornografie und Medien) war eine radikal feministische anti pornografische Aktivistinnengruppe, die 1976 in San Francisco, USA gegründet wurde. Diese Vereinigung war eine sehr einflussreiche Gruppierung in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Women Against Nuclear Energy — Die australische Organisation Women Against Nuclear Energy (WANE) gründete sich am 21. April 1980 in Perth und arbeitete mit Frauengruppen der Gewerkschaften und anderen Frauengruppen zusammen. Der unmittelbare Anlass zur Gründung war ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Igbo Women's War — In November, 1929, thousands of Igbo women from the Bende District of Nigeria, the nearby Umuahia, Ngwa, and other places in southern Nigeria traveled to Oloko to protest against the [Warrant Chiefs, who they accused of restricting the role of… … Wikipedia
Students Coalition Against War — The Students Coalition Against War is a Canadian organization with members in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Edmonton, Alberta, Victoria, British Columbia, Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec. The Students Coalition Against War SCAW is a grassroots… … Wikipedia
American League Against War and Fascism — The American League Against War and Fascism was a Comintern [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,762515,00.html Revised Reds] , Time , September 4, 1939] affiliate organization formed in 1933 by CPUSA and pacifists united by their… … Wikipedia
War rape — describes rape committed by soldiers, other combatants or civilians during armed conflict or war. Rape in the course of war dates back to antiquity, ancient enough to have been mentioned in the Bible. During war and armed conflict rape is… … Wikipedia
War Resisters' International — or WRI is an international anti war organization with members and affiliates in over thirty countries. Its headquarters are in London, UK. History Founded in Bilthoven, Netherlands in 1921, WRI adopted a founding declaration that has remained… … Wikipedia
Women Strike for Peace — (WSP, also known as Women for Peace) is a United States women s peace activist group. It was founded by Bella Abzug and Dagmar Wilson, [http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcoll/findaids/docs/papersrecords/SWAP4073 1 4073 2.xml Seattle Women Act… … Wikipedia