William Abbott Oldfather

William Abbott Oldfather

William Abbott Oldfather (1880 – 1945) was an American classical scholar.

He was born in Urumiah, Persia (now Urmia, Iran) to missionary parents, Jeremiah Oldfather and Felicia (nee Rice). The classical scholar C. H. Oldfather (1887 – ?) was his younger brother; [ [http://cwcfamily.org/idl/idl_062.htm IDL pp 62-69 ] at cwcfamily.org] he was noted for many translations, and they sometimes worked together. (C. H. is variously given as Charles Harvey or Henry.)

He was awarded a doctorate by the University of Munich, in 1908.

He was on the faculty of the University of Illinois from 1909, where he remained for the rest of his life.


* Ysopet-Avionnet: The Latin and French Texts (1919) with Kenneth McKenzie
* Discourses of Epictetus (1925), Loeb Classical Library, translator
* Contributions Toward a Bibliography of Epictetus (1927)
* Index Apvleianvs (1934)
* Index verborum Ciceronis Epistularum (1938) with H. V. Canter and K. M. Abbott
* Studies in the text tradition of St. Jerome's Vitae patrum (1943) editor


External links

* [http://appbio.net/biographies/Oldfather-%20William%20Abbott-5385.html]

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