Giuseppe Caron

Giuseppe Caron

Giuseppe Caron (born February 24 1904) was an Italian Christian Democratic Party (CDP) politician who was a Minister in successive governments in the 1950s to the 1970s, and a European Commissioner. He was born in Treviso.

Caron trained as a chemist and worked in the pharmaceutical industry and as a lobbyist. Later, in 1952, he became vice-president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce

During World War II Caron became involved in the resistance against the German army and was a member of the CDP "Committee for National Release" in Treviso.

He was elected to the Italian Senate in all legislative elections from the Italian general election, 1948 to the Italian general election, 1972.

Caron's first political office was as under-secretary for Civil Aviation. He served under-secretary for Public Works in the Government of Antonio Segni from 1955 to 1957, under-secretary for Defense in the 1957-1958 Governments of Adone Zoli and 1958-1959 Amintore Fanfani Government.

He became active in European politics as one of the Italian delegates at the Council of Europe.

In November (or December) 1959 he was appointed as one of the Italian European Commissioners on the first Hallstein Commission to replace Piero Malvestiti who resigned to become President of the European Coal and Steel Community. Caron took over Malvestiti's Internal Market portfolio.

His seat in the Senate was taken by Attilio Venudo.

Caron was re-appointed to the second Hallstein Commsion which served from January 1962 and became a Vice-President of the Commission. He resigned from the commission in May 1953 having been re-elected to the Senate in the elections of April 1963. He was replaced in the commission by Guido Colonna di Paliano.

He then joined the governments of Aldo Moro from 1963 to 1968 where he served as under-secretary to the Budget minister. He held the same position in the first Government of Mariano Rumor from 1968 to 1969 and then became Budget Minister in the second Rumor Government from 1969 to 1970.

External references

*it icon [ Italian senate substituion process 1959]

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