Paul Reiche III

Paul Reiche III

Paul Reiche III (born February 17 1961) is a computer game designer.

Reiche is best known for being the co-creator, together with Fred Ford, of the "Star Control" universe, which has gained a venerable cult following in the last decade and a half. While Reiche did the game design and fiction, Ford was responsible for the programming.

Reiche is listed in the credits for ToeJam & Earl under "Invaluable Help".

A childhood friend of early "Dungeons & Dragons" (D&D) artist Erol Otus, Reiche became interested in gaming as a teen. He and Otus played role-playing games together and released a few small games in the genre. Eventually, both wound up at TSR (the then publisher of D&D). They made contributions to the evolving game and other games by TSR, Otus with artwork, Reiche with game design. Eventually Reiche left TSR to work on computer games with Electronic Arts (EA).

After his stint at EA, Reiche formed Toys for Bob with Ford and created "Star Control". After publishing it, Accolade contracted with Reiche and Ford to develop the sequel, "Star Control II". Reiche's friend, Otus, provided at least one illustration for the sequel's manual.

Before "Star Control", Reiche worked on "Mail Order Monsters", the "Archon" series and the "Starflight" series of computer games. Reiche was one of the co-founders of Free Fall Associates, the co-developer of the "Archon" series of games.

Reiche is currently the CEO and Director of Development of Toys For Bob, which was acquired by Activision.

External links

* [ MobyGames' rap sheet on Reiche]
* [ Everything to know] about Reiche, from
* [ Interview with Reiche] by "GameSpot"
* [ Toys for Bob's homepage]
* [ The Pages of Now and Forever] , a "Star Control" fan page

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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