Tadeusz Wita

Tadeusz Wita

Polish politician infobox
name=Tadeusz Wita
years_of_life=born 1958

function=member of Sejm 2005-2007
party=Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
since=September 25, 2005

Tadeusz Wita (born April 04, 1958 in Zabrze) is a Polish politician. He was elected to Sejm on September 25, 2005 getting 4656 votes in 29 Gliwice district, candidating from Prawo i Sprawiedliwość list.

ee also

*Members of Polish Sejm 2005-2007

External links

* [http://www.sejm.gov.pl/poslowie/posel5/416.htm Tadeusz Wita - parliamentary page] - includes declarations of interest, voting record, and transcripts of speeches.

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