University of Applied Sciences Wildau

University of Applied Sciences Wildau

The University of Applied Sciences Wildau (Technische Fachhochschule Wildau - TFH Wildau) is one of five universities of applied sciences in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany. It is located very close to Germany's capital city, Berlin, which is easy to reach from Wildau by local train.


The history of Wildau begins with fisherman's families that settled by the Dahme River and then came to deliver sand, gravel and bricks from the region by boat to Berlin. As a location for industry, it was mechanical engineering that put Wildau on the map. In 1897 the Schwartzkopff company established a locomotive works here, and built a works' housing complex that is a listed building today. In the Second World War the works were involved in armaments production, and were then demolished after the war. It was from the remains of these works that the East German state enterprise in heavy engineering was founded, which in turn had to restructure completely after 1989. In the region around Wildau numerous technology and business parks have been set up in recent years, with service industries and logistics centres, energy and environmental technology companies. The works school, founded in 1949, was an integral part of mechanical engineering in the region before 1990. In 1991 the federal state of Brandenburg founded the University of Applied Sciences Wildau. With ca. 3400 students the University of Applied Sciences Wildau now is the largest university of applied sciences in Brandenburg.

tudy programmes

The University of Applied Sciences Wildau has 20 degree programmes in direct study programmes, and 2 in distance learning programmes. Alongside the traditional engineering disciplines, the range of degrees at the university includes courses in business administration, administration and law, business computing, business and law, administration and law and a degree in European Management. The UAS Wildau is the only university in Brandenburg to offer logistics, and the first university in the whole of Germany with a degree in telematics. It is also the first university of applied sciences in Germany with a degree in bioinformatics/biosystems engineering.

At the UAS Wildau students can gain academic degrees such as Master and Bachelor (according to the Bologna Process) as well as the traditional German Diplom.

At the graduate school of the UAS Wildau the Wildau Institute of Technology students can study Master's programmes in English language.

External links

* [ Website of TFH Wildau]
* [ Website of Wildau Institute of Technology]

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