Westerns B — Western B Le western B désigne le sous ensemble du western appartenant à la série B, qui se caractérise par des petits budgets de production. Il apparait à la fin des années 1920 – auparavant on ne distinguait pas la série A de la série B – et… … Wikipédia en Français
WESTERNS, ARTISTIC VALUE — For most of the history of cinema, Westerns have been considered the lowest of low culture. For many older critics, even the few great films of John Fordfall far below the mark of what one might consider high art. These critics dismiss… … Westerns in Cinema
Westerns spaghetti — Western spaghetti Le western spaghetti est un sous genre de western qui doit son nom à un sarcasme du cinéma américain quant à ses origines italiennes. Malgré cette ironie, le genre sera largement reconnu et plébiscité grâce à quelques films… … Wikipédia en Français
Westerns spaghettis — Western spaghetti Le western spaghetti est un sous genre de western qui doit son nom à un sarcasme du cinéma américain quant à ses origines italiennes. Malgré cette ironie, le genre sera largement reconnu et plébiscité grâce à quelques films… … Wikipédia en Français
WESTERNS AS ALLEGORIES — If Westerns are primarily about the time in which they are produced, not the time in which they are set, then Westerns of the cold war period are often interpreted as allegories of the tensions between the Soviet Union and its allies and the… … Westerns in Cinema
WESTERNS AS GAMES — Following early studies in game theory by such writers as Johan Huizinga, critics have frequently associated Westerns with games, and the old children’s game of cowboys and Indians reinforces the theory. Westerns, the premise goes, are played… … Westerns in Cinema
westerns-spaghettis — ● western spaghetti, westerns spaghettis nom masculin Film d aventures italien qui imite le western américain en reprenant certains archétypes du genre … Encyclopédie Universelle
westerns — west·ern || westÉ™(r)n n. artistic representation of life in the early American western frontier (usually a movie or book) adj. relating to the west; situated in the west; coming from or proceeding toward the west … English contemporary dictionary
WESTERNS — … Useful english dictionary
SPAGHETTI WESTERNS — By the 1960s cinema Westerns were becoming so popular worldwide, especially in Europe, that the supply was having difficulty meeting the demand. Cinecitta Studios, among others, had been specializing in cheaply made, quickly produced action… … Westerns in Cinema