Louis Dollo

Louis Dollo

Infobox Scientist
box_width =

image_size =150px
caption = PAGENAME
birth_date = December 7, 1857
birth_place =
death_date = 1931
death_place =
residence = |citizenship = French
nationality = Belgian
ethnicity =
field = palaeontology
work_institutions =
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for = Dollo's law
author_abbrev_bot =|author_abbrev_zoo =
influences =
influenced =
prizes =
religion = |footnotes = |

Louis-Antoine-Marie-Joséph Dollo (1857-1931) was a French-born Belgian palaeontologist, known for formulating Dollo's law. In 1878, he supervised the excavation of the famous, multiple Iguanodon find, at Bernissart, Belgium.


*cite journal
quotes = yes
first=S J
title=Dollo on Dollo's law: irreversibility and the status of evolutionary laws
journal=Journal of the history of biology
publisher= |location = NETHERLANDS| issn = 0022-5010| pmid = 11609651
bibcode = | oclc =| id = | url = | language = | format = | accessdate = | laysummary = | laysource = | laydate = | quote =

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