Inner measure

Inner measure

In mathematics, let S be a σ-algebra and μ be a measure on S. Following the notation in the text by Halmos, referenced below, let H(S) be the σ-algebra of all sets X such that there exists a set E in S with X subseteq E; i.e. H(S) is the set of all subsets of members of S. The inner measure μ* on H(S) induced by μ is defined by

*(X) = sup{μ(F): F in S and F subseteq X }

The set function μ* is usually not a measure on H(S). μ* shares the following properties with measures::# μ*(emptyset)=0,:# μ* is non-negative,:# If Esubseteq F then μ*(E)leqμ*(F).

Inner measures are often used in combination with outer measures to extend a measure μ defined on a σ-algebra S to a larger σ-algebra. If μ* is the outer measure induced by μ on H(S) then the sets X in H(S) such that μ*(X) = μ*(X) form a σ-algebra Ŝ with S subseteq Ŝ subseteq H(S). The set function μ^ defined by

:μ^(X) = μ*(X) = μ*(X) for X in Ŝ

is a measure on Ŝ known as the completion of μ.


* Halmos, Paul R., "Measure Theory", D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1950, pp. 58.
* A. N. Kolmogorov & S. V. Fomin, translated by Richard A. Silverman, "Introductory Real Analysis", Dover Publications, New York, 1970, ISBN 0-486-61226-0 (Chapter 7)

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