

Infobox CityIT
img_coa = Latisana-Stemma.gif
img_coa_small = yes
official_name = Comune di Latisana
region = Friuli-Venezia Giulia
province = Udine (UD)
elevation_m = 7
area_total_km2 = 42.30
population_as_of = 2008
population_total = 13412
mapy= 13.29
population_density_km2 =
timezone = CET, UTC+1
coordinates = coord|45|47|N|13|07|E|
frazioni = Latisanotta, Gorgo, Pertegada, Latisana Marittima, Bevazzana
telephone = 0431
postalcode = 33053
gentilic = Latisanesi
saint = St. John the Baptist
day = June 24
mayor = Micaela Sette
website = []

Latisana is a town and commune in the province of Udine, in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region of north-eastern Italy, on the Tagliamento river.


The city was probably a Roman post station on the Via Annia which connected Concordia to Aquileia.The city is first mentioned in 1072, and became an important river port in the 12-13th centuries, especially known for salt trade, under the counts of Gorizia. In the 12th century it became an autonomous commune, annexed by the Republic of Venice in 1420.

The trade declined in the late years of the Republic of Venice, and the city was acquired by the Austrian Empire with the Treaty of Campo Formio (1797). In 1814 it became part of the client Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia and, in 1866, of the newly formed Kingdom of Italy.

During the 20th century wars it suffered heavy damage, especially in the bombing of May 19, 1944 that totally destroyed the historical centre. Further damage was caused by the floods of the Tagliamento in 1965 and 1966.

Main sights

The Cathedral (Duomo) was rebuilt in the 17th century over the old 1504 edifice. The main attractions are the canvas portraying the "Baptism of Jesus" (1567) by Paolo Veronese and a wooden "Crucifix" (1566) by Andrea Fosco. The choir has a "Transfiguration" (1591) by Marco Moro and the first altar on the left has a "Holy Family with Saints" by Giovan Battista Grassi (1568).

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