Jack Fischel

Jack Fischel

Jack R. Fischel is professor emeritus of history at Millersville University of Pennsylvania. He is regarded as a worldwide authority on the Holocaust and is the author of "The Holocaust" (1998) and "Historical Dictionary of the Holocaust" (1999).

He has lectured recently, during the winter semesters, at Florida Atlantic University's Lifelong Learning Center (student population, over 11,000 in 2008). His lectures are lively and engender much discussion. fact|date=March 2008 His latest lecture series on "The Effect of Jews on Pop Culture" was oversubscribed, and at the end of most lectures, students stayed to argue with him as well as with others.


*Fischel, Jack. "Antisemitism resurfaces," "Midstream", February 1, 2004.

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