- Synergism
Synergism, in general, may be defined as two or more agents working together to produce a result not obtainable by any of the agents independently. The word synergy or synergism comes from two Greek words: "erg" meaning "to work", and "syn" meaning "together"; hence, synergism is a "working together."
Calvinism , "synergism" is used pejoratively to describe theArminian doctrine ofsalvation , although many Arminians would disagree with the characterisation. According to Calvinists, synergism is the view that God and man work together, each contributing their part to accomplish regeneration in and for the individual.John Hendryx , a leading Calvinist thinker, has stated it this way: synergism is "...the doctrine that there are two efficient agents in regeneration, namely the human will and the divine Spirit, which, in the strict sense of the term, cooperate. This theory accordingly holds that the soul has not lost in the fall all inclination toward holiness, nor all power to seek for it under the influence of ordinary motives." [ [http://www.monergism.com/what_is_monergism.php What is Monergism?] ] Arminians, especially of the Wesleyan tradition, might respond with the criticism that Hendryx has merely provided a description ofsemi-Pelagianism , and they recognize that grace precedes any cooporation of the human soul with the saving power of God.In other words, God has offered salvation, and man must receive it. This is opposed to the monergistic view as held by Reformed or Calvinistic groups in which objects of God's election participate in, but do not contribute to, the salvific or regenerative processes. Classical Arminians and most
Wesleyan s would consider this astraw man description, as they have historically affirmed the Reformed doctrine oftotal depravity . To this, Hendryx replies by asking the following question: "If two persons receive prevenient grace and only one believes the gospel, why does one believe in Christ and not the other? What makes the two persons to differ? Jesus Christ or something else? And that 'something else' is why Calvinists believe Arminians and other non-Augustinian groups to be synergists." Regeneration, in this case, would occur only when the unregenerate will cooperates with God's Spirit to effectuate redemption. To the Monergist, faith does not proceed from our unregenerate human nature. If faith precedes regeneration, as it does in Arminianism, then the unregenerate person must exercise faith in order to be regenerated.Synergism is also an important part of the theology of the
Eastern Orthodox Church .References
ee also
*Eastern Orthodoxy
*Regeneration (theology)
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