

nihongo|Hitsuzendo|筆禅道|hitsuzendō, or the "Art of the Brush", is a method of achieving Samādhi (Jap.: "samaai") (unification of individual with the highest reality). Hitsuzendo refers specifically to a school of Japanese Zen calligraphy to which the rating system of modern calligraphy (well-proportioned and pleasing to the eye) is foreign. Instead, the calligraphy of Hitsuzendo must breathe with the vitality of eternal experience.


Inspired by the teachings of Yamaoka Tesshu (1836-1888), the actual founder of the Hitsuzendo line of thought was Yokoyama Tenkei (1885-1966) as a "practice to uncover one's original self through the brush."

See also

*Japanese calligraphy

; References
* Terayama, Tanchu, "Zen Brushwork - Focusing The Mind With Calligraphy And Painting" [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Booksources&isbn=4770029446 ISBN 4-7700-2944-6]
* Kuwahara, Kokugyo, Website with examples of Hitsuzendo [http://www.doku-zen.de/en/hitsuzendo.html www.doku-zen.de]

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