Ahousaht, British Columbia

Ahousaht, British Columbia

Ahousaht, also spelled Ahousat, is the principal settlement on Flores Island, in British Columbia, Canada (coord|49|17|N|126|4|W). Accessible only by water or air, Ahousaht is a small community predominantly composed of First Nations people from the Nuu-chah-nulth nation. It has about 1,800 members, almost half of which live in the reserve of Marktosis (an English-style adaptation of "Maaqtisiis" in the Nuu-chah-nulth language).


Ahousaht First Nation is the largest Nuu-chah-nulth Nation. The Nation is an amalgamation of three former tribes: the Ahousaht, Manhousaht and Keltsmaht. Ahousaht’s population of approximately 1,900 people has been growing at an average rate of 2.6% per year and is projected to increase to 3,125 by 2024. Seventy-seven percent of members are under 40 years of age and 41 percent under 19 years.Ahousaht means people (aht) of Ahous, a small bay on the west side of Vargas Island. The Nation’s territory encompasses much of Clayoquot Sound. Currently 36 percent of Ahousaht members live at Marktosis Indian Reserve (IR # 15) located on Flores Island north of Tofino. Marktosis has a large community hall, a youth center, a health center and a school for children K-12.

Marktosis is the only one of 25 Ahousaht reserves occupied year-round. Others are traditional fishing stations and areas of seasonal resource extraction, considered uninhabitable for year-round settlement. All Ahousaht reserves are accessible only by boat or floatplane. The Nation reports that there is a strong interest among members living “away from home” to return if housing and employment were available.

Hereditary System

The Ha’wiih (Hereditary Chief) role in our governing system is to look after their Ha- Ha’houlthee (territory and resources). The Ha’wiih system is still alive among Ahousat people. It is the most important part of our history. We have laws, under the Ha’wiih system, which outline chieftainships and governance. The keepers of these laws are the Wit-wok. No Ha’wilth (Hereditary Chief) is above the law. Every Hereditary Chief has advisors. No Chief can make his own decision. A Council is depended upon for good, solid advice, before any decision is made for Ahousaht. No Ha’wilth speaks for himself, unless he has good news, or something good to share. All Ha’wiih have speakers, who are trained, from an early age, for these duties. Speakers must be fluent in our language and have a very strong handle on the history of the Ha’wilth seat and his Ha’houlthee. There are misconceptions about our Ha’wiih system being similar to fiefdoms, but people must understand that it is a much more inter-connected system of governance with numerous accountability mechanisms. No Ha’wiith can hold tremendous power without the support of a number of people who are the bearers of customary laws.Each Ha’wiith holds a Ha’houlthee that includes land, sea, resources and people within his territory, which had clearly defined boundaries and people who watched over the boundaries between nations. We have stories in our history, which tell of how important these boundaries are and how they were protected.

Ha’wiih have the power to create Dik-qo-wilth, Seat. Our history tells of two, which were created by our Ha’wilth to recognize the constant support provided by these two individuals. Their importance was such that, at a potlatch, they were recognized before the Ha’wilth when a Ha’wilth dance was performed.

The Ahousaht have oral history, which goes back 17 or 18 generations, of all of our Ha’wiih, and it includes when one hereditary position became three. Each Ha’wilth heads up a house and each house has a name. Maquinna is the Tyee (the head-ranked Ha’wilth of Ahousaht). As a collective, all three Ha’wiih comprise the principal Hereditary Chiefs of Ahousaht. Currently these individuals are:

- Maquinna: Lewis George

- Hi-yupin-ulth: Bill Keitlah Jr.

- Ah-in-chut: Shawn Atleo

Ha’wiih of the three tribes that amalgamated with Ahousaht: Kelthsmaht – Vargas Island, Manhousaht, Quatswiaht and Oo-in-mitis, continue to be recognized by principal Hawiih. These individuals are:

- For Kelthsmat: Haan-uu-quii (Edgar Charlie)

- For Manhousaht: Too-Moos (Ron George)

- For Quatswiaht: Wey-hy-yahchik (James Swan)

The Oo-in-mitis seat is currently vacant.

An appointee held the important role of welcoming visitors. In the case of Ahousaht, Hi-yupin-ulth (Bill Keitlah Jr.) currently serves that role as a Ha’ilth. In the case of Kelthsmaht, the beach keeper (welcoming person) was appointed or had a Dik-o-wilth. He is Kanupiit (Rocky Titian).Our current Tyee Ha’wiih, Maquinna (Lewis George) acquired the seat from his late father, Earl George. Earl George first passed the seat to his eldest son, Uu-qua-qruum (Corbett George). When Uu-qua-qruum (Corbett George) encountered some difficulty in his life Earl George took the seat back and just prior to his passing, he named Maquinna (Lewis George) as his successor at Hupacasath. In November 2007, Maquinna (Lewis George) held a major potlatch to declare his seat. Hi-yupin-ulth (Bill Keitlah Jr.) acquired his seat from his father, Bill Sr., in 2004. Ah-in-chut (Shawn Atleo) acquired his seat from his father Ooh-meek (Dr. Richard Atleo). Ah-in-chut (Shawn Atleo) is currently the BC RegionalChief of the Assembly of First Nations.

Elected System

Elected Council’s role is to be accountable to the Indian Act. Overall, both Ha’wiih and Chief and Council are ultimately there to represent the Ahousaht membership and honour our long history.Ahousaht’s first Council was appointed by the Ha’wiih rather than elected by the membership, sometime in the early 1950’s. The late Paul Sam, (Stanley Sam’s father), was the first Chief Councillor. We eventually went to the elected system, as dictated by the Indian Act. Coincidentally or not, it has since been down hill in many ways — economically, socially and culturally, as we struggle with two systems of governance.

The Councillors and our Chief Councillor are currently elected on two-year terms. Council is responsible for appointments to other boards on behalf of the Ha’wiih. Elected Chief and Council 2008 to 2010 are:

- Keith Atleo (Chief Councillor)

- Johnny O. Frank

- Angus Campbell

- Harvey Robinson

- David Frank

- Harold Little

- Julia Atleo

- Curtis Dick

- Louie Frank

- Mark Jack

- Francis John

- Paul Robinson


The Ahousaht have a dynamic administrative group working on all facets of Ahousaht cultural, health, economic, and treaty-related issues. Ahousaht invites you to contact individuals who may act as a gateway to our community on specific projects.

The Ahousaht First Nation government employs approximately 35 people. Its departments include administration, education, human services, medical clinic, social services, home care, Ahousaht grocery store, transportation, maintenance, fisheries and forestry.

Ahousaht Administration and Staff

t: (800) 991-1433 f:(250) 670-9696

- Pam Frank, Administrator

- Noreen Paul, Financial Controller

- Jean Thomas, Finance Department

- Regina Thomas, Council Administrative Assistant

- Margaret Dick, Housing & Capital Projects

- Iris Frank, Housing Coordinator

- Louie Frank Sr., Treaty Manager

- Guy Louie, Treaty Negotiator

- Gena Swan, Treaty Finance Department

- Clara Thomas, Receptionist

- Molina Dick, Medical Clerk

- Michelle Campbell, Medical Clerk

- Robert Atleo, Social Development Manager

- Cecelia Titian, Social Worker

- Alec Dick, Project / Maintenance Manager

- Russell Frank, Maintenance

- Moon (James) Tom, Water Works

- Charles (Chuck) Jack, Water Works

- Rod Sam, Water Works

- Darrell Campbell, Fisheries Manager

- Larry Swan, Fisheries

- Rocky (John) Titian, Fisheries

- MacKenzie Charlie, Fisheries

Ahousaht Holistic Centre

t: (250) 670-9558 f: (250) 670-9554

- Dave Frank, Community Human Service Manager

- Marie Donahue, Justice Worker

- Selina Frank, Family Support worker

- Louie Frank Jr., Youth worker

- Darlene Dick, Alcohol & Drug Councilor

- Louie Joseph Sr., Family Violence Councillor

- Barb Atleo, Circle of Healing

- Karen Frank, Infant Development Worker t: (250) 670-9549

- Ramona Mark, Family Support Worker

- Arlene (Ruth) Paul, CHR

- Linda Tashoots, Receptionist / Bookkeeper

Ahousaht Health Clinic

- Lisa Frank, Tonquin Clinic receptionist t: (250) 670-2509- Michelle Robinson, NTC Nursing program t: (250) 670-9608- Glenda Manson, NTC LPN - Nursing program

Appointments to Other Boards

- Central Region Board: Angus Campbell

- Central Region Management Board: Angus Campbell

- Chief Treaty Negotiator: Guy Louie

- Clayoquot Biosphere Trust: Violet Clark

Business and Economic Development

The main economic activities in the Ahousaht community are tourism, finfish aquaculture, forestry and fishing (including shellfish). The latter two have declined in recent years. Members are employed seasonally in silviculture, water taxi transport, construction, tourism, forestry and aquaculture. There are five enterprises operated by Ahousaht Administration, including natural resources, tourism, grocery and transport ventures, as well as a minimum of 13 to 15 Ahousaht member-owned businesses in the region. These include restaurants, a gallery, tour companies, water taxis, contractors and professional services.

A protocol agreement signed in 2002 with Pacific National Aquaculture (now Mainstream Canada) provides access to Ahousaht traditional marine territory for the siting of salmon farms in exchange for employment opportunities, tenure fees and environmental monitoring and management improvements. Opportunities for farming indigenous species (e.g. Chinook) are being examined. The aquaculture industry provides 60 to 70 jobs annually for the Nation.

One forestry company, Cover Creek Enterprises (principal, Harvey Robinson) currently employs approximately ten Ahousaht members through contracts with Iisaak Forest Resources. Government transfers make up 24 percent of total income for persons 15 years and over (contrasted against 13 percent in Ucluelet and eight percent in Tofino).

In 2003-04 Weyerhauser transferred two parcels of land adjacent to the existing reserve for community expansion. Plans are underway for a five-year development on District Lot 363 and 363A. The new development is designed to include approximately 200 new homes, an artist’s village, cultural centre, new high school and economic development facilities.

Community Opportunities

Despite census figures of 16 to 19 percent unemployment, locals report much higher rates. Chronically high unemployment and the large young population about to or recently entered into the workforce create significant pressure for job creation, education and training. Of residents 15 years and over 19 percent have less than a Grade 9 education, 56 percent Grade 9-13, 19 percent trade or other non-university and six perent university. Social and health issues continue to provide significant challenges for this remote community and impact work-readiness.There are also several problems with community infrastructure. Housing shortage is a significant issue and a recent study indicated there are 136 dwellings in moderate to poor condition. Solid and sewage waste management is insufficient and the power supply via underwater lines is projected to last for another five to ten years.


Ecotrust Canada. Cliff Atleo Jr., "The Ahousaht First Nation," in Daniel Arbour, Brenda Kuecks & Danielle Edwards (editors). " [http://www.ecotrust.ca/clayoquot/governance/ Nuu-chah-nulth Central Region First Nations Governance Structures 2007/2008] ", Vancouver, September 2008.

External links

* http://www.nuuchahnulth.org/
* [http://www.alberni.net/maaqtusiis-school/Ahousat.htm Local Ahousaht page.]
* [http://gis.esri.com/library/userconf/proc00/professional/papers/PAP151/p151.htm Details of research on resident grey whales.]

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