- Barbara O'Connor
Barbara O'Connor is an author and Senior Lecturer in the School of Communications at
Dublin City University : Her field is media studies and cultural studies, specializing on the represemtation of women intelevision , and of the development of tourism inIreland . She gave an invited Bicentennial Guest Lecture atMaynooth College ,Kildare , on "Television soap opera: Genre and Gender"she is a participant in the multi-university project "SIGIS: Strategies of Gender and the Information Society", coordinated by the
University of Edinburgh Research Centre for Social Sciences, where she is described as a " Leading researcher and author on sociological and anthropological aspects of communication and culture...co-author of the seminal academic work on social and cultural aspects of tourism in Ireland." * [http://www.rcss.ed.ac.uk/sigis/proposal/SIGIS_Research_Partners.PDF]Published works
Books by Barbara O'Connor
* "Media Audiences in Ireland Power and Cultural Identity", ed. with Mary J. Kelly. Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 1997.
* "Tourism in Ireland a critical analysis", Cork, Cork University Press, 1993.
* "Gender in Irish Society", Galway, Galway University Press, 1987.
* "Irish Tourism: Image, Culture and Identity" ed. with Michael Cronin. Multilingual Matters, 2003. ISBN 1-873150-53-9
* "Mapping Irish Media: Critical Explorations" ed. with John Horgan & Helena Sheehan. University College Dublin Press, 2007 ISBN 1-904558-83-6How to Steal a Dogpeer-reviewed journal articles
*P. Brereton and B O'Connor. "Pleasure and Pedagogy: The Consumption of DVD Add-Ons Among Irish Teenagers" "Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies," Vol. 13, No. 2, 143-155 (2007) DOI: 10.1177/1354856507075241
*B O'Connor "Sexing the Nation: Discourses of the Dancing Body in Ireland in the 1930s" "Journal of Gender Studies," Volume 14, Issue 2 July 2005 , pp. 89 - 105 [http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a713995718~db=all abstract]
*O'Connor, B. "Ruin and romance: Heterosexual discourses on Irish popular dance, 1920-1960" "Irish Journal of Sociology," 12 (2), pp. 50-67.(2003)
*O'Connor B and Elisabeth Klaus. 2001. "Pleasure and Meaningful Discourse: An overview of research issues." "International Journal of Cultural Studies," Vol. 3, No. 3, 369-387 (2000) .
*O'Connor B and R. Boyle. 1993. '"Dallas with Balls": televised sport, soap opera and male and female pleasures'. "Leisure Studies," Volume 12, Number 2, April 1993 , pp. 107-119 [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/rlst/1993/00000012/00000002/art00002 abstract]
*O'Connor B. 1984. 'Aspects of the Representation of Women in Irish Film'.Book chapters
*O'Connor B with M Cronin. 2000. 'From Gombeen to Gubeen: Tourism, Social Class and Cultural Identity in Ireland, 1949-1999'. Writing in the Irish Republic:Literature, Culture, Politics, 1949-1999. London, Macmillan, 2000.
*O'Connor B. 1998. 'Riverdance'. Encounters with Modern Ireland: Irish Sociological Profiles, Vol.1 (1995-1996)
*O'Connor B. 1997. 'Gender, Class and Television Viewing: audience response to the 'Ballroom of Romance". "Media Audiences in Ireland: Power and Cultural Identity"
*O'Connor B. 1997. 'Safe Sets: women, dance and 'communitas". in "Dance in the City" ed. Helen Thomas. Palgrave Macmillan, 1997 ISBN 0312174543
*O'Connor, B. 1993. Myths and Mirrors: tourism and cultural identity. "Tourism in Ireland: A Critical Analysis"
*O'Connor B with EM Trauth. 1991. ' A Study of the Interaction between Information Technology and Society: an illustration of combined qualitative research methods'. "Information Systems Research: Contemporary Approaches and Emergent Traditions"
*O'Connor B. 1991. 'Tourist Images in Ireland'. " Nothing Bloody Stands Still" European Network for Cultural and Media Studies, Amsterdam, Vol.1
*O'Connor B. 1988. Ireland. East of Dallas: " The European Challenge to American Television"
*O'Connor B. 1984. The Representation of Women in Television Drama. "Television and Irish Society"Conference papers
She has also published over 25 conference papers/
"Leading researcher and author on sociological and anthropological aspects ofcommunication and culture, with a wide range of research experience in publicservice and academic institutions.· Co-author and co-editor of two books on consumption, audiences and user aspectsof television and other media in Irish households;· Engaged in EC-funded multi-country research networks focused on mediaaudiences, household consumption and use of electronic media;· Has also published widely on inter-cultural communications issues andexchanges;· Co-author of the seminal academic work on social and cultural aspects oftourism in Ireland."
External links
* [http://www.dcu.ie/info/staff_member.php?id_no=1458 University web page]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.