Frontenac Motor Corporation

Frontenac Motor Corporation

Frontenac Motor Corporation was the joint venture of Louis and Gaston Chevrolet. Louis returned to the Indy 500 racing circuit after leaving Chevrolet in 1915. His first year on the circuit, he drove a Cornelian, but the following year, 1916, he was behind the wheel of a car of his own design.

The company was named "Frontenac" after the 17th century governor of France's North American colonies. The Frontenac racecars were seen on the racetrack running strong in 1916 and 1917. Racing was suspended for a few years during World War I, and then the Frontenac was back up and running again until 1921, when the Chevrolet Brothers retired from racing.

External links

* [ Chevrolet Builds Fords]
* [ Louis Chevrolet]

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