

name = "Hyrachyus"

image_caption = "Hyrachyus minimus"
fossil_range = Eocene
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Perissodactyla
familia = Hyrachyidae
genus = "Hyrachyus"
genus_authority = Leidy, 1871
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "H. affinis"
* "H. bicornutus"
* "H. douglassi"
* "H. eximius"
* "H. modestus"
* "H. minimus"
* ?"H. stehlini"

"Hyrachyus" is an extinct genus of perissodactyl mammal that lived in Eocene Europe. The 1.50 m (5 ft) long beast was related to palaeotheres, and suspected to be the ancestor of modern tapirs and rhinoceroses. Physically, it would have looked very similar to modern tapirs, although it probably lacked the tapir's characteristic proboscis. It's teeth, however, resembled those of a rhino, supporting the idea of its relationship with that groupcite book |author= Savage, RJG, & Long, MR|year=1986 |title= Mammal Evolution: an illustrated guide|publisher= Facts on File|location=New York|pages= 191|isbn= 0-8160-1194-X] .


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