1629 in music

1629 in music

The year 1629 in music involved some significant events.


*Gregorio Allegri is appointed to compose for the Sistine Chapel.

Classical music

*Biagio Marini - "Sonata per sonar con due corde", Op. 8
*Heinrich Schütz - "Symphoniae Sacrae", part 1, published in Venice



*April 1 - Jean-Henri d'Anglebert, composer and harpsichordist (died 1691)


*January 27 - Hieronymus Praetorius, composer and organist (born 1560)
*April 19 - Sigismondo d'India, Italian composer (born "c".1582)
*September 5 - Domenico Allegri, composer and singer (born c.1585)
*October 2 - Antonio Cifra, Baroque composer (born 1560)
*"date unknown" - Paolo Agostino, composer and organist (born c.1583)

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