

Kwasizabantu (also KwaSizabantu, Kwa Sizabantu) is an organization, originating in South Africa, but also active in Germany and Switzerland. Other organisations which started out of the work at KwaSizabantu are Christians for Truth and the Domino Servite schools.


Kwasizabantu was founded by Erlo Stegen (born 1935 near Durban), an active missionary among the Zulu population of Natal starting in 1954. In 1966-67, Stegen's efforts culminated in triggering mass conversions, accompanied and miraculous healings. In 1971, based in a Natal village called Kwa Sizabantu (Zulu for "place of help for people," or "place where people get helped,") which became the movement's eponym.

On 12 August 2006, Kwasizabantu Mission officially opened the Emseni Care Center (meaning "place of grace"). The first stage of the complex has been completed and can accommodate about 20 HIV and AIDS patients as well as full-time staff. The Kwasizabantu Mission also houses the water factory aQuellé as well as several other non-profit initiatives including Christians for Truth. They also have a bakery and a convenience store.

The director of the Kwasizabantu Mission in Kranskop, the Reverend Erlo Hartwig Stegen, was named co-recipient of a major international award — the Robert W. Pierce Award for Christian Service — by World Vision International on 9 December 2007.[1][2]


Because of the reported miracles in the events that led to the mission's establishment, there has been some debate about the classification of the movement relative to charismatic currents. The movement today does not emphasize glossolalia, and Stegen's theology maintains an ideological distance from both charismatic Evangelicalism and cessationist Protestantism.

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