Strip poker

Strip poker

Strip poker is a poker variant where players remove clothing when they lose bets.

Any kind of poker can be played in a strip version. Strip poker sometimes starts with all players wearing the same number of articles of clothing, but the rules are flexible. The consistent aspect is the removal of clothing in place of or in addition to the betting of other games. Like other adult party games, activities besides removing clothing and playing cards might be involved. ("Truth or dare" type options are often included.) Strip poker is usually played as a variant of simpler poker variations with fewer betting rounds, like five card draw. [ [ How to Play Video Poker] by Toby Bochan]


It has been suggested strip poker originated in New Orleans around the same time as original poker in the 19th century, played in brothels. [ [] ] However, strip poker more likely began as a prank among boys, and as late as the 1930s, the current co-ed version was called "mixed strip poker" in England to differentiate it from alin New Orleans l-male, non-sexual variety. [See Chapter 1 of A Coffin for Dimitrios by Eric Ambler]

On TV and video

Strip poker based television shows include:

*"Tutti Frutti/Colpo Grosso" (Germany/Italy - 1990),
*"Räsypokka" (subTV - Finland - 2002),
*"Strip!" (RTL II - Germany - 1999),
*"Everything Goes" - (USA, 19811988).
*"Strip Poker - (USA, 2000).

Other strip poker productions on pay per view or DVD often feature pinup models. Examples include:
*"National Lampoon's Strip Poker" - 2005
*"Strip Poker Invitational" - 2005

Both examples featured "Playboy" models, World Wrestling Entertainment models and other pinup models in a no-limit Texas Hold'em competition. "National Lampoon's Strip Poker" was filmed at the Hedonism II resort in Negril, Jamaica. "Strip Poker Invitational" productions were filmed in Las Vegas. Both productions aired on Pay-Per-View in 2005.

Computer games

The first "Strip Poker" computer game was written by the German game designer Dieter Eckhardt in the late 1970s using the computers of an astronomical observatory near Düsseldorf. Strip Poker computer games were produced from the earliest stages of video game production and have continued to be released, increasingly from pornospecialist distributors.


External links

*dmoz|Adult/Games/Gambling/Strip_Poker|Strip Poker

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