

The PF-89 is the new generation standard light anti-tank weapon (LAW) in service with the PLA to replace the obsolete Soviet-style 40 mm LAW. It is a rocket launcher used primarily by infantry squads to engage and defeat light armor and bunkers. The recoilless design permits accurate delivery of an 80mm High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead, with negligible recoil.


The PF-89 is a lightweight, self-contained, anti-armor weapon comparable to the Swedish AT4 (US Designation M136). The weapon consists of a free-flight, fin-stabilised, rocket-type cartridge packed in a one-piece, one-off, fiberglass-wrapped tube. It is man-portable and is fired from the right shoulder only. The launcher is watertight for ease of transportation and storage.


The PF-89 has very primitive optical sight for aiming, with no night combat capability. The firer must be able to see and identify the target and estimate the range to it. The round of ammunition is self-contained in a disposable launch tube. The system weighs only eight pounds and can be utilised effectively with minimal training.

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[ Sino defence page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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