Locus classicus

Locus classicus

In the classics, literature or theology, locus (or locus classicus) marks the first appearance of a phrase or the definitive passage that is authoritative for an idea.

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  • locus classicus — index cross section Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • locus classicus — [lō′kəs klas′i kəs] n. pl. loci classici [lō′sī΄ klas′i sī΄] [L] a passage often cited as authoritative in illustrating a certain point or subject …   English World dictionary

  • Locus classicus — Die lateinische Phrase locus classicus (Plural:loci classici) bezeichnet: in den Geisteswissenschaften ein Zitat, das die historisch bekannteste, „klassische“ Formulierung eines Sachverhalts darstellt in der Biologie den Ort des erstmaligen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • locus classicus — noun (plural loci classici) Etymology: New Latin Date: 1853 1. a passage that has become a standard for the elucidation of a word or subject 2. a classic case or example …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • locus classicus — /loh koos klahs si koos /; Eng. /loh keuhs klas i keuhs/, pl. loci classici /loh kee klahs si kee /; Eng. /loh suy klas euh suy , loh kuy klas i kuy /. Latin. classical source: a passage commonly cited to illustrate or explain a subject or word.… …   Universalium

  • locus classicus — noun An authoritative passage from a standard work that is often quoted as an illustration …   Wiktionary

  • Locus Classicus —    Apurist approach identifies Siberia as the classic example of shamanism, since this is where the term shaman originates, among the Evenk. Some scholars include the Arctic as part of this region because a consistent feature of these shamanisms …   Historical dictionary of shamanism

  • locus classicus — [ˌləʊkəs klasɪkəs, ˌlɒkəs] noun (plural loci classici ˌləʊsʌɪ klasɪsʌɪ, ˌlɒki: klasɪki:) the best known or most authoritative passage on a subject. Origin L., lit. classical place …   English new terms dictionary

  • Locus classicus —  (лат. классический отрывок) отдельный текст, обычно в Священном Писании, считающийся первичным местом, из к рого выведено учение или библейская концепция …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • locus classicus* — lo•cus clas•si•cus [[t]ˈloʊ kʊs ˈklɑs sɪˌkʊs[/t]] eng. [[t]ˈloʊ kəs ˈklæs ɪ kəs[/t]] n. pl. lo•ci clas•si•ci [[t]ˈloʊ ki ˈklɑs sɪˌki[/t]] eng. [[t]ˈloʊ saɪ ˈklæs əˌsaɪ, ˈloʊ kaɪ ˈklæs ɪˌkaɪ[/t]] Latin. fot classical source: a passage commonly… …   From formal English to slang

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