- Gheorghe Craioveanu
Gheorghe Craioveanu (born
February 14 ,1968 inHunedoara ), commonly known as Gică Craioveanu, is a retiredRomania n football player.Craioveanu played for several clubs, including
Metalurg Slatina (1988-1990) andUniversitatea Craiova (1990-1995) in Romania and the SpanishReal Sociedad (1995-1998),Villarreal CF (1998-2002), andGetafe CF (2002-2006).ro icon Ovidiu Ciutescu, [http://www.jurnalul.ro/articole/95077/gica-craioveanu-renunta-la-politica "Gică Craioveanu renunţă la politică"] , in "Jurnalul Naţional ",June 16 ,2007 (retrievedJune 17 ,2007 )] He played forRomania national football team (23 matches and 4 goals in all) and was a participant in the1998 FIFA World Cup . Craioveanu is a resident ofGetafe , a city inMadrid 's metropolitan area; during the local elections of 2007, he won a Sports Adviser seat on the local council, running as an independent with backing from the People's Party (PP). [ro icon [http://www.adevarul.ro/articole/craioveanu-consilier-la-getafe/313746 "Craioveanu, consilier la Getafe"] , in "Adevărul ",May 29 ,2007 (retrievedJune 17 ,2007 )] ro icon [http://www.sport365.ro/Gica_Craioveanu_a_renuntat_la_postul_de_consilier_municipal_la_Getafe-n25812.html "Gică Craioveanu a renunţat la postul de consilier municipal la Getafe"] , at "Sport 365" (retrievedJune 17 ,2007 )] This was the first suffrage during which Romanian citizens were eligible in otherEuropean Union counties, following Romania's European integration. OnJune 16 ,2007 , as a result of a local alliance between theSpanish Socialist Workers' Party and Izquierda Unida, which took away the PP's control over the Sports Adviser seat, Craioveanu convened with the PP not to hold a political office, and resigned from the council.Craioveanu is divorced, and has remarried a Spanish woman named Gemma; he has two children, one from each marriage.
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