

A quadrat is a measured and marked rectangle, often a square, used in ecology to isolate a sample area for the purpose of measuring the abundance of different species within that area. By sampling many quadrats, biologists can create data sets for statistical analysis. The advent of the quadrat was a key development in the professionalization of ecology.

The usual habitatual sampling unit is a quadrat. Quadrats normally consist of a square frame, the most frequently used size being 1 metre squared (see picture below). The purpose of using a quadrat is to enable comparable samples to be obtained from areas of consistent size and shape. Rectangular quadrats and even circular quadrats have been used in some surveys. It does not really matter what shape of quadrat is used, provided it is a standard sampling unit and its shape and measurements are stated in any write-up. It may however be better to stick to the traditional square frame unless there are very good reasons not to, because this yields data that is more readily comparable to other published research. (For instance, you cannot compare data obtained using a circular quadrat, with data obtained using a square quadrat. The difference in shape of the sampling units will introduce variations in the results obtained.)


* John E. Weaver. "The Quadrat Method in Teaching Ecology" (1918)
* Jordan D. Connor. "The Quadrat Method in Teaching Ecology" (2007)

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