Jim Bishop

Jim Bishop

----James Alonzo "Jim" Bishop (November 21 1907–July 26 1987) was an American journalist.

Born in Jersey City, New Jersey, he dropped out of school after eighth grade. In 1923, he studied typing, shorthand and bookkeeping, and in 1929 began work as a copy boy at the "New York Daily News".

In 1930, he got a job as a cub reporter at "New York Daily Mirror", where he worked until 1943, when he joined "Collier's" Magazine. He remained until 1945.

His plans to write for Hollywood producer Mark Hellinger ended with Hellinger's death. Bishop later wrote a Hellinger biography.

From 1946 to 1948, he was executive editor of "Liberty" magazine, then became director of the literary department at the Music Corporation of America until 1951. He was then founding editor of Gold Medal Books (the juvenile division of Fawcett Publications) until 1953.

His book "The Day Lincoln Was Shot" was published in 1955, and became an instant best-seller.

Bishop also wrote "The Day Christ Died," "The Day Christ Was Born," and "The Day Kennedy Was Shot."

In 1957, he started his column, "Jim Bishop: Reporter" with King Features Syndicate, which continued until 1983. It also landed him on the master list of Nixon political opponents.

In the 1950s, Bishop would do his writing at the Jersey Shore in Sea Bright, New Jersey, going back to his home in Teaneck, New Jersey on weekends to see his wife and children. [ [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,867669,00.html The Golden Hack] , "Time (magazine)", May 13, 1957."A teetotaler, Bishop works in a pink-and-black oceanside house at Sea Bright, N.J., sees his wife and family in Teaneck only on weekends."]

The remainder of his career was spent writing biographical books about notable figures, and Christian-themed books.



* [http://web.sbu.edu/friedsam/archives/jimbishop/jbchronology.htm Jim Bishop Chronology] by Michael Spencer

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