ḤALAFTA — (early second century C.E.), tanna, father of the well known tanna yose . Ḥalafta lived in sepphoris where he was a leader of the community (Tosef., Ta an. 1:14; RH 27a). His colleague was johanan b. nuri who discussed halakhah with him;… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ḤALAFTA BEN SAUL — HALAFTA BEN SAUL (early third century C.E.), Palestinian amora. Ḥalafta taught beraitot which are cited both in the Jerusalem Talmud (Ber. 1:8, 3c; Pe ah 2:6, 17a; Shev. 2:7, 34a; Hag. 3:7, 79d, et al.) and in the Babylonian (Zev. 93b; MK 10a;… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Jose ben Halafta — Rabbi Jose ben Halafta or Yose ben Halafta (Hebrew: רבי יוסי בן חלפתא) was a Tanna of the fourth generation (2nd century CE). Jose was a student of Rabbi Akiba and was regarded as one of the foremost scholars of halakha and aggadah of his day. He … Wikipedia
ISHMAEL BEN YOSE BEN ḤALAFTA — (end of the second century C.E.), tanna. He is not mentioned by name in the Mishnah (apart from Avot, see below), and most of the halakhic sayings transmitted by him in the Tosefta are in his father s name (Tosef. Ter. 4:2, Maas. 1:2, Kel. BK… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SIMEON BEN ḤALAFTA — (end of the second century C.E.), tanna in the transition period between the tannaim and the amoraim. Nothing is recorded concerning him in the Mishnah or the Tosefta, except for the one dictum: The Holy One found no vessel that could contain… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
YOSE BEN ḤALAFTA — (mid second century C.E.), tanna; the R. Yose mentioned in the Talmud without patronymic. Yose was one of the leaders of the generation after the persecutions which followed the Bar Kokhba War. He was born in sepphoris , where his father was one… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Yose ben-Halafta — (mid 2nd century) Tanna. Rabbi Yose was born in Sepphoris, Palestine, and after having been taught by his father, also a rabbi, he became a pupil of the great AKIBA. At the age of thirteen, in spite of the Roman command against it, he was… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Rabbi Meir — a historical photo of Rabbi Meir s tomb in Tiberias … Wikipedia
La Transmission De La Torah — Transmission de la Torah … Wikipédia en Français
La transmission de la Torah — Transmission de la Torah … Wikipédia en Français