Leonhard Stock

Leonhard Stock

Leonhard Stock (born March 14, 1958 in Finkenberg) is an Austrian former skier who won a gold medal at the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York.

Stock could not repeat his surprise win at the Lake Placid Olympics on the World Cup tour until almost a decade later, winning Downhill races in 1989, 1990, an 1992. At the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary he just missed a second Olympic medal, coming in 4th in the downhill and 8th in the Super Giant Slalom race. He now runs a hotel [http://www.olympiahotel.at/] in his birthplace in the Zillertal.

World Cup victories

NAME=Stock, Leonhard
SHORT DESCRIPTION=downhill skier
DATE OF BIRTH=March 14, 1958
PLACE OF BIRTH=Finkenberg, Austria

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