La Venganza Será Terrible

La Venganza Será Terrible

"La venganza será terrible" ("The revenge will be terrible") is a popular radio program in Argentina, also broadcast in Uruguay. It is hosted by Alejandro Dolina. Dolina has two co-hosts: Guillermo Stronatti and Gabriel Rolon.

The program began on Radio el Mundo with the title "Demasiado tarde para lágrimas" ("Too late for tears".) It later moved to Radio Rivadavia under the same name, and then briefly to FM under the name "El Ombligo del Mundo" ("The Navel of the World".) It moved to Radio Continental until recently. On Jan 4 2007, it moved to Radio 10. Internet broadcasts are available from espectador, a Uruguayan radio station.

The show is free of charge and broadcast live Tuesday to Friday from midnight to 2:00am, from the Paseo La Plaza's Picasso auditorium." The show has three parts. In the first one Dolina discusses an historic event (Mostly European, Greek, or South American history). The second part is humorous. Dolina goes through "Life" style magazines, and while reading the articles, he starts improvising stories that can go quite far from the original article. In the third part he sings songs that the audience ask for. Dolina is known for his vast knowledge of the tango.

External links

Podcast of La venganza
* [ Official Alejandro Dolina website]

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