Canon PowerShot

Canon PowerShot

The PowerShot products are a line of consumer and prosumer grade digital cameras, launched by Canon in 1995. The PowerShot line has been successful for Canon, and is one of the best-selling digital camera lines worldwide. On the photo sharing website Flickr, in the point-and-shoot category, the top three most-uploaded photographs are taken with Canon PowerShot cameras. [It is for example by far the most-used camera on Flickr (see]

According to Slashdot, freeware from the CHDK project allows nearly complete programmatic control of PowerShot cameras, enabling users to add features, up to and including BASIC scripting. [ [ Slashdot,] Hacking Canon Point-and-Shoot Cameras, Posted by kdawson on Tuesday May 06, @04:56PM, from the now-don't-brick-it dept.]

Some models of Powershot cameras were affected by third party CCD sensors with a design flaw which caused them to fail and display severely distorted images. Canon has offered to repair affected cameras free of charge. []


* A series: "Easy and Fun" budget cameras ranging from point-and-shoot to prosumer cameras
* E series: design-oriented budget cameras
* G series: flagship cameras with near dSLR functionality
* S/SD series "(also known as" PowerShot Digital ELPH")": "Performance and Style" ultracompact point-and-shoot cameras
* S/SX series: ultra-zoom cameras
* TX series: hybrid camera/camcorders

* Pro series: professional-level cameras slotting right beneath Canon's dSLRs
* S series: originally a series of compact point-and-shoot cameras, later a series of prosumer cameras slotting beneath the G series


ee also

* List of PowerShot cameras

External links

* [ Official Canon PowerShot page]
* [ Canon PowerShot Digital Camera Product Advisories]
* [ CHDK Project]

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