- Stylogaster
Taxobox | name = Stylogaster
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
subphylum =Hexapoda
classis =Insect a
subclassis =Pterygota
infraclassis =Neoptera
superordo =Endopterygota |
ordo = Diptera
subordo =Brachycera
zoosubsectio =Acalyptratae
superfamilia =Conopoidea
familia =Conopidae
subfamilia = Stylogastrinae
genus = "Stylogaster"
genus_authority = Macquart, 1835
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = manyThe conopid genus "Stylogaster" is a group of unusual flies, restricted to the
New World , a few species of which are found inNorth America . It is the only genus in the subfamily Stylogastrinae, which some authorities have historically treated as a separate family Stylogastridae (or Stylogasteridae).Stylogastrines are obligate associates of
army ant s, using the ants' raiding columns to flush out their prey, ground-dwellingOrthoptera and/orroach es. Stylogastrines are somewhat atypical for conopids, in that the egg itself is shaped somewhat like aharpoon , with a rigid barbed tip, and the egg is forcibly jabbed into the host. The female of some species waits for army ants to flush out a target, then she dives in and jabs an egg into the host. The "Stylogaster" larvae then develop as internal parasites. This is a remarkably high-risk behavior, in that many hosts are captured and killed by the ants after a female has laid an egg in it, so many eggs are lost.Stylogastrines can be found from the
Neotropic s toCanada . Adults can occasionally be found at flowers, feeding on nectar with theirproboscis , which is longer than the body when unfolded. The female's abdomen is also folded under the body, and is the derivation of the generic name ("Stylogaster" = "needle-tail").
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