Ken Lo

Ken Lo

Ken Low Wai-kwong ( _zh. 盧惠光, also known as Kenneth Low or Low Houi Kang) nickname Kwong Jai is in the Jackie Chan Stunt Teammember and actor born in Laos on March 17, 1959. But in 1975, he moved from Cambodia when he was 15 years old to Thailand, then 5 years later, in 1980 he fled to Hong Kong in where he took a job as a tour guide.

His idol was Bruce Lee King of Kung Fu which led him to practice Thai Boxing and Tae Kwon Do in Thailand . He won the freestyle fighting Championships seven times so his chance finally came with his first movie "White Class" (1985) starring Sam Hui directed by Tsui Hark.

In 1986, he met Jackie Chan in a popular disco in Hong Kong, he was head of security of disco and Jackie hired him as his own bodyguard. He not only became Jackie Chan's bodyguard but also acted in many martial arts movies. One of his famous roles is in "Legend of Drunken Master" (1994) in which he and Jackie Chan engage in a protracted final fight; Lo stepped in when another actor was injured. That climactic twenty-minute fight sequence has become legendary: Roger Ebert called it "one of the most remarkably sustained examples of martial arts choreography ever filmed."

In 2005, Ken Lo made his first American movie "Into the Sun" with Steven Seagal which failed in the American market. However, Lo is still very active in Hong Kong.

Other films include

* "Police Story 2" (1987)
* "Drunken Master 2 " (1994)
* "Thunderbolt" (1995)
* "Portland Street Blues" (1998)
* "Runaway" (2001)
* "China Strike Force" (2000)
* "Gorgeous (1999)
* "Young and Dangerous 4" (1997)
* "Naked Killer" (1992)
* "Red Zone" (1995)
* "2000 AD" (2000)
* "Skarbuster " (2002)
* "Around the World in 80 Days (2004 film)
* "Dragon Reloaded " (2005)
* "Rob-B-Hood" (2006)
* "Fatal Contact" (2006)
* "Cang Long " (2007)
* "Invisible Target" (2007)
* "The Drummer " (2007)
* "Fatal Move" (2008)


* magazine Jackie Chan: Screen Power
* magazine Jade Screen

External links

* [ IMDB entry]

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