1638 in music

1638 in music

The year 1638 in music involved some significant events.


*February 6 - "Luminalia", a masque written by Sir William Davenant and designed by Inigo Jones, is staged at the English Court. The work features music by Nicholas Lanier.


*Claudio Monteverdi – "Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi con alcuni opuscoli in genere rappresentativo, che saranno per brevi Episodij fra i canti senza gesto. Libro ottavo di Claudio Monteverde Maestro di Capella della Serenissima Republica di Venetia" (eighth book of madrigals "a"5), published in Venice

Classical music

*Nicolas Formé – "Ecce tu pulchra es", a double choir motet


*Benedetto Ferrari and Francesco Manelli – "La maga fulminata", premiéred at Teatro San Cassiano, in Venice
*Michelangelo Rossi - "Andromeda", premiered in Ferrara.


*"date unknown" - Giovanni Buonaventura Viviani, Italian composer and violinist (d. c. 1693)


*September – John Wilbye, composer (born 1574)
*"date unknown" – Nicolas Formé, French composer (born 1567)

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