- AnimeVillage
AnimeVillage was
Bandai Entertainment 's first attempt to enter theNorth America nanime market. It first went online onAugust 13 ,1998 .Fact|date=July 2007 It is an online store for variousanime titles which they have the right to distribute. They began with the AnimeVillage.com label and released on subtitled-onlyVHS tapes. The company began to re-brand their products in 1999, and English-dubbedVHS tapes as well as dual languageDVD s were subsequently released under theBandai Entertainment label. The website was later re-launched by Bandai Entertainment onMarch 31 ,2006 .cite web|url=http://www.bandai-ent.com/news/pr.cfm?id=111|title=AnimeVillage.com Returns With Digital Content Distribution|publisher=Bandai Entertainment |date=2006-03-30|accessdate=2007-07-23]ee also
Bandai Entertainment References
External links
* [http://www.animevillage.com/ AnimeVillage.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.