Timothy C. Evans

Timothy C. Evans

Timothy C. Evans is the Chief Judge of the Cook County Circuit Court. He was first appointed to the bench in 1992.

Evans is a former Chicago City Council Alderman. He was first appointed alderman of Chicago's South Side 4th Ward by Mayor Richard J. Daley to serve the unexpired term of Claude Walker in 1972. An ally of Mayors Daley, Bilandic, Byrne and Washington, he served as floor leader and Chicago City Council Finance Chair during Harold Washington's mayoral administration.

Following Washington's death Evans sought to fill Washington's unexpired term but was defeated in the Chicago City Council by Eugene Sawyer.

Evans ran in the 1989 special election for Mayor of Chicago to fill Washington's term as independent candidate and lost the 1989 election to Richard M. Daley.

Evans was later defeated for re-election in the 4th Ward by Toni Preckwinkle in 1991.

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