Viktor Maigourov

Viktor Maigourov

Viktor Maigourov or Maigurov (born February 7 1969 in Yekaterinburg) is a former biathlete from Russia. Competing for Belarus at the Lillehammer 1994, he placed fourth on the relay with the Belarusian team. He won three World Cup victories, his last at Osbrlie 1997. Competing for Russian, he won two Olympic bronze medals; in the relay at the 1998 Nagano Olympics, and in the 20 km at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. His best overall World Cup placing is second in 1995/1996.

Maigourov also won twice at the Holmenkollen ski festival biathlon competition in 1996 with wins in the sprint and pursuit events.

External links

* [ Holmenkollen biathlon information]
* [ IBU Profile]

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