- Hypermodernity
Hypermodernity (in some cases synonymous to supermodernity) is a type, mode, or stage of
society that reflects a deepening or intensification ofmodernity . Characteristics include a deep faith in humanity's ability to understand, control, and manipulate every aspect of human experience. This typically is manifested in a forward-looking commitment toscience andknowledge , particularly with regard to the convergence oftechnology andbiology . The emphasis on the value of new technology to overcome natural limitations lends itself a diminution or outright repudiation of the past, since yesterday's knowledge is always less than today's.Hypermodernity
There can be a profound lack of integration between the past and the present since:
# What happened necessarily took place under "lesser" circumstances than now, which generates a fundamentally separate context.
# Artifacts from the past superabundantly clutter the cultural landscape and are seamlessly reused to generate an even greater superabundance from which individuals are unable to discern original intent or meaning.Hypermodernity (also called "
Supermodernity ") differs fromModernity in that it has even more commitment to reason and to an ability to improve individual choice and freedom. Modernity merely held out the hope of reasonable change while continuing to deal with a historical set of issues and concerns; hypermodernity posits that things are changing so quickly thathistory is not a reliable guide. The positive changes of hypermodernity are supposedly witnessed through rapidly expanding wealth, better living standards, medical advances, and so forth. Individuals and cultures that benefit directly from these things can feel that they are pulling away from natural limits that have always constrained life on Earth. But the negative effects also can be seen as leading to a soulless homogeneity as well as to accelerated discrepancies between different classes and groups.Postmodernity differs here in that it rejects the idea of "reasonable change" while at the same time accepting that the past and its artifacts have as much value as the present. The value is primarily expressed through provisional constructs that have no lasting meaning; we cannot discern truth but we can play with the nonsense. Postmodernity is meant to describe a condition of total emergence from Modernity and its faith in progress and improvement in empowering the individual.upermodernity
If distinguished from hypermodernity, supermodernity is a step beyond the ontological emptiness of
postmodernism and relies upon a view of plausible truths. Wheremodernism focused upon the creation of great truths (or whatLyotard called "master narrative s" or "metanarrative s"), postmodernity is intent upon their destruction (deconstruction ). In contrast supermodernity does not concern itself with the creation or identification oftruth value . Instead, information that is useful is selected from the superabundant sources of new media.Postmodernity anddeconstruction have made the creation of truths an impossible construction. Supermodernity acts amid the chatter and excess of signification in order to escape the nihilistic tautology of postmodernity. The Internet search and the construction of interconnected blogs are excellent metaphors for the action of the supermodern subject. Related Authors are Michael Speaks, "After Design Theory", andMarc Auge "Nonplaces: An anthropology of supermodernity."Bibliography
* S. Charles and G. Lipovetsky, "Hypermodern Times", Polity Press, 2006.
* S. Charles, "Hypermodern Explained to Children", Liber, 2007 (in French).External links
* [http://nextmodernitylibrary.blogspirit.com/archive/2006/04/07/le-bonheur-paradoxal-essai-sur-la-societe-d-hyperconsommatio.html Gilles Lypovetsky interviewed by Denis Failly for his book "le bonheur paradoxal"]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.