Šolska košarkarska liga

Šolska košarkarska liga

Šolska košarkarska liga (ŠKL) – School Basketball League is a primary school and high school project, launched in the school year of 1995/1996, under the guidance of a group of experts. It provides year-round, active cooperation of youth in sports and interest activities in Slovenian primary and high schools. Its primary guidance is sports as it is based on competitions in basketball, volleyball, soccer, dodgeball, dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheering. Attending activities, which contribute to the organization and execution as well as media promotion of the performances, are of great importance. The ŠKL project offers many opportunities for cooperation in the biggest youth project in Slovenia as well as opportunities for fun, promotion and advertising.

=About the Project=


The ŠKL competitions and events are important educational, athletic, social and cultural events for the schools and regions where they take place. Media promotion of these events reaches all of Slovenia and through the Internet, the whole world.Main characteristics of the ŠKL project:a competition for the primary and high school ŠKL champion which works under the guidance of school appointed mentors or external mentors from different sports clubs and it is also aided by sports schools (girls are equally included in the competition);a competition for the ŠKL champion in dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheer groups of primary and high schools which works under the guidance of school appointed or external mentors;the ŠKL competitions follow a certain protocol starting with the national anthem and ŠKL anthem followed by a presentation of the participants and the game (played in accordance with basketball rules); the dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheer groups from participating schools perform during the breaks along with a number of other activities such as prize-winning games supported by numerous sponsors;young organizers, referees, secretaries, journalists, photographers, designers, members of video and computing clubs as well as musical clubs all create and compete together, within the project clubs.The project, which encourages regular exercise and work has, in the past 10 seasons, attracted over 100,000 pupils, including the youngest. We not only bring together active basketball players, dancers, cheerleaders, members of different clubs, school musical groups and candidates for the [http://igre.skl.si Miss Congeniality] contest but also the teachers, mentors, headmasters, parents, relatives, friends, representatives of local communities, numerous sponsors and other supporters. With such a great extent of participants it is not surprising that over 500,000 citizens know and follow the project. Also known athletes such as Boštjan Nachbar, Sani Bečirović, Primož Brezec, Jaka Lakovič and others are ex-ŠKL participants. Today, they can be found in the Basketball Federation of Slovenia leagues as well as in European leagues and the NBA.We are also proud of the numerous successes of the ŠKL dance and cheerleading groups on international competitions.The constituent part of the project, which takes place in the second half of April, is the ŠKL final where the best basketball, volleyball and soccer teams compete for the title of the ŠKL primary school and ŠKL high school champion. The competition for best dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheer groups from both primary and high schools adds extra excitement to the whole event. We not only award the best sports team, dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheer groups from primary and high schools at the award ceremony but also the best school club. We award individuals, mentors and headmasters separately. Over 6,000 people watch the event in the basketball hall and at least another 150,000 watch the live television coverage on Kanal A which transmits two 4 hour sessions.

Target Groups

The following participate in the ŠKL project:
* basketball players,
* volleyball players,
* soccer players,
* members of dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheer groups as well as candidates for the Miss Congeniality contest,
* members of journalism clubs,
* members of photography clubs,
* members of design clubs,
* members of video clubs,
* members of computing clubs,
* school musical groups as well as individuals,
* organizers, secretaries, referees,
* mentors, coaches and headmasters of participating schools,
* spectators of the ŠKL games,
* parents, relatives, classmates and friends of the participants,
* representatives of local communities,
* sponsors,
* viewers of the Šolska košarkarska liga TV show (POP TV and local TV stations),
* listeners of the ŠKL Informator and ŠKL Music radio shows (local radio stations across Slovenia),
* visitors of the [http://www.skl.si web site] ,
* readers of the ŠKL newspaper which issues 10,000 copies and readers of other media that cover the activities of the ŠKL project ( [http://www.ekipa-sport.si Ekipa] , [http://www.ekipa-sport.si Šport] , Antena ...),
* participants in the final event and viewers of the live coverage on Kanal A.

The principal target group presents young people between the ages of 10 and 20 however, individuals participating in the project are also younger (especially in design clubs) and older (mentors, parents, supporters, etc.).


Within the project we see to:
* a healthy and quality way to spend ones free time;
* an introduction to a life of sports and ways of getting accustomed to it;
* an open system that also includes girls and does not ignore them as in other systems;
* many public performances that higher self-esteem and shape the self-portrait of a young person;
* the incorporation of those individuals who do not have opportunities to practice in selective sports and other areas of exercise or * performing respectively, individuals who would like to be included as organizers, referees, event hosts;
* the incorporation of young individuals who are particularly interested in the media world (journalists, photographers, camera operators, fitters, computer specialists, etc.);
* developing creativity and innovation skills of young individuals;
* adding excitement to school and after-school activities;
* increasing the sense of belonging to a certain school, local area or region;
* organizing excellent events where we accustom the participants and spectators to finding pleasure in sports events.

Principal Advantages

One of the biggest advantages is its uniqueness as it is the only organization in its field in the country and has no real competition.The ramification of the project since it offers the possibilities of playing basketball, volleyball, soccer or dodgeball, performing in dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheering as well as the possibility of taking part in journalism, photography, design, video and computing clubs and other accompanying activities. An advantage of the project is presented by the fact that over 60% of the active participants are girls.Media support of the project including a ŠKL TV and radio show, own monthly newspaper and own [http://www.skl.si web site] . The presence of all 4 media is nowadays rare in most organizations because it is connected to high expenses.The small size of the country presents an advantage for organizing, leading and coordinating the project on a national level as it is easier to control it.A positive attitude of youth toward sports.The dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheer performances are very popular among young people.It is attached to the educational structure which forms a practically ideal target population; ŠKL also receives a fraction of the respect which is connected to educational institutions (the ŠKL activity is often seen as inseparable from schools already because of its name).The project is supported by numerous respected sponsors and business partners.Zavod ŠKL Ljubljana collaborates with many respected local and foreign organizations. They collaborate with the Center of Education and Creative Activities (Center za izobraževanje in kreativne dejavnosti) - which is the leading organization in its field in Slovenia, with the [http://www.zotks.si/portal Organizational Association of Technical Culture] (Zveza organizacij za tehnično kulturo), the [http://www.iam.si Institute and Academy of Multimedia] (Inštitut in akademija za multimedije), the [http://www.kzs-zveza.si Basketball Federation of Slovenia] , [http://www.zveza-znps.si Cheerleading and Pom Pon Federation of Slovenia] , the NBA (National Basketball Association), ECA ( [http://ecacheer.org European Cheerleading Association] ), IFC ( [http://www.ifc-hdqrs.org International Federation of Cheerleading] ) and in certain projects also with the local communities and ministries.


The project obtained a more modern image in the season of 2004/2005. It adapts to changes in the school system and to the wishes of young people. It is, with the introduction of new approaches in the methods of execution, becoming a more complex system of marketing communication. This year we will also add a more modern stamp to our collection and simultaneously, keep everything that has proved to be wanted and good over the years. Experiences from past seasons are priceless since it is on their base that we were able to prepare a better, more interesting and more exciting program of events.The most important novelties:
* The introduction of volleyball, soccer and dodgeball into the project.
* More schools will have the opportunity to play in the competitions.
* We reserved 8 elite places in the competition system for the best primary and high school teams of the previous season.
* We will organize an additional tournament at the end of January or beginning of February for all schools that fell out of the competition; 2 places will still lead to the quarterfinals. With this, we hope to stimulate additional training throughout the year for all teams which have fallen out and give them the opportunity to join the best in the additional qualifications.
* Along with events taking place at different schools we will also be judging dance, cheerleading and acrobatic cheer groups as well as young talented performers in different activities.
* The competitions will take place in accordance with well known events – in primary schools on Wednesdays and high schools on Tuesdays in the afternoon hours so spectators who do not attend these schools can also watch. With this we hope to increase attendance of the games and expand our target population. Each week we will organize 2 such events and ensure that much will be happening throughout the season in schools all over Slovenia.
* Young and talented individuals will host the school events.
* We will offer young people the opportunity to cooperate in different games.
* School TV, radio and press teams will cover the games and will be preparing articles for different local media as well as school TV, radio stations and newspapers increasing the recognition of the events.
* We will increase the media coverage of the [http://igre.skl.si Miss Congeniality] contest for primary and high schools also seeing to a wider choice of interactive voting (via SMS, Internet).
* There will be a bigger emphasis on other activities that interest young people.


The ŠKL project ensures wide media coverage and our presence at schools.Complete media support allows the following:Our own weekly TV show, Šolska košarkarska liga, which airs on POP TV every Sunday and Tuesday at 12:00 and on 15 local TV stations during the week. Within the TV show we assure our business partners:
* the publication of their logo on the board in the studio which is seen for an average of 20 seconds per show,
* the publication of commercials,
* visibility of their transparencies on all recordings of ŠKL events visited by the ŠKL TV team,
* the possibility of viewing recordings of TV shows of the current season on the [http://www.skl.si web page] . We prepare 36 TV shows in one season which are shown at least 30 times per week (including re-runs). The show is on program from the end of September to the end of May. During this period, the show is aired more than 1,000 times on all TV stations. With this we can surely place it among the most aired youth television shows in Slovenia. The average visibility of business partner logos within television time amounts to 20 hours per year. The ŠKL TV show is also the leading youth program on POP TV.Our own weekly radio show, aired on local radio stations across Slovenia. It is divided into 2 parts: ŠKL Informator and ŠKL Music. ŠKL Informator reports on all events connected to the ŠKL project whereas ŠKL Music is connected to music and is meant as an addition to the TV show. Within the radio show we assure our business partners:
* that the company or brand name will be mentioned at least twice per show,
* the publication of commercials,
* the publication of short, non-commercial reports during the show,
* the possibility of listening to all radio shows of the current season on the web page (http://www.skl.si). We prepare 33 radio shows in 1 season, which are aired at least 12 times per week. The show is on program from the end of September to the middle of May. During this period, the show is aired almost 400 times on all radio stations. With this we can surely place it among the most aired youth radio shows in Slovenia. The average audibleness of our business partners within radio time is 4 hours per year.Our own monthly ŠKL newspaper, published in 10,000 copies every month from September to June; 9 issues are published per year. In the newspaper there are articles on:
* different youth sports activities,
* young photographers, journalists, designers,
* school web pages,
* dancing, cheerleading and acrobatics,
* life and activities in school,
* music, entertainment, traveling ...

We are proud to state that the ŠKL newspaper is so popular among young people that they cannot wait for the end of the month when new issues are sent to their schools. We also cooperate with other newspapers that regularly publish reports on our activities and events. Our own [http://www.skl.si web page] , visited by approximately 1,000 people daily, that presents the central information center for the ŠKL project. On the web page we:
* announce all games and final scores,
* publish articles written by young journalists, photos taken by photographers, drawings made by designers, reports from different video clubs,
* present web pages of different schools,
* present all candidates for the Miss Congeniality contest,
* host prize-winning games in cooperation with numerous sponsors,
* regularly update our gallery filled with thousands of pictures from games and other project activities.Within the web page we assure our business partners:
* the publication of the company logo or brand name,
* a link to their website,
* the possibility of hosting prize-winning games. We have transparencies with company logos or brand names in all halls where ŠKL activities take place. That way our business partners are always with us. We also have mascots, prize-winning games and we make sure they are mentioned a few times by our hosts and commentators (depending on the agreement).We assure 8 hours of live TV coverage of our final events on Kanal A. The finals are a big social and sports event that wrap up the season in April.

=Project Financing=

The ŠKL project is very demanding from the organizational and financial point of view as it is a year-round project, covers all of Slovenia and it includes many sub-projects. The yearly amount of funds needed for the execution of the project is approximately 500,000 EUR. For this reason cooperation with business partners and sponsors is of key importance when it comes to the realization of the ŠKL project.The whole competition is financed by funds from:the general business partners, national business partners, productive business partners, other supporters. Zavod ŠKL Ljubljana finances the organization and activity of the system and events, including costs of the entire media production and over 100 co-workers.One of the characteristics and successes of ŠKL is that it presents participants and competitors in the project with many bonuses and nice awards on events throughout the year. The collective value of these awards and bonuses is around 85,000 EUR. We hand them out on closing events. Individual participants receive around 650 medals and diplomas while schools receive around 30 trophies. The most successful schools and individuals are additionally rewarded with practical awards used for lessons and the development of sport in schools. All participants of the final competition also receive memorable gifts.Numerous sponsors contribute to a better atmosphere on the final events by organizing different award-winning games.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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