

J9, J09, J 9 or J-9 may refer to:
* J9 Series, a 1981 Japanese anime series with Braiger and Baxinger characters
* Chengdu J-9, a designation assigned to a 1975 Chinese interceptor aircraft that never progressed beyond initial studies
* County Route J9 (California), a main route between the cities of Oakdale, Waterford, and Turlock
* GS&WR Class J9, a Great Southern and Western Railway
* HMS Cromarty (J09), a 1940 British Royal Navy Bangor class minesweeper
* IBM J9, an implementation of Java
* Joyrex J9, two distinct vinyl albums by Caustic Window
* Junkers J 9, a factory designation for the 1917 German Junkers D.I fighter aircraft
* Malaysia Federal Route J9, a major road in Johor, Malaysia
* S/2000 J 9, a former name for Taygete, a retrograde irregular satellite of Jupiter
* S/2001 J 9, a former name for Orthosie, a natural satellite of Jupiter
* S/2003 J 9, a retrograde irregular satellite of Jupiter

and also :
* J9 : Guinee Airlines and Jazeera Airways IATA airline codes
* J09 : Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus code

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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