

Tefal is a French cookware and small appliance manufacturer owned by Groupe SEB. Its name is short for the combination of the words Teflon and aluminium. In North America, Brazil and Japan, the company's products are sold under the name T-Fal.

Tefal is known for creating the non-stick cookware category. [ [http://www.tefal.co.uk/tefal/about/history.asp Tefal history] ]

The premium line of Tefal cookware is endorsed by Jamie Oliver.

In Britain there was a phrase that was common during the 80's and 90's called "Tefal Head". This was applied to people who were intelligent. This was due to the advertising campaign launched by Tefal whose adverts all consisted of actors playing scientists with grossly distended foreheads (thus giving the impression of intelligence)

External links

* [http://www.tefal.com Official website]


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